
Where to get finasteride in UK (18 year old) and minoxidil receding my hair line


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I am 18 and experiencing male pattern baldness. It has gotten worse, and i have made my decision to try the finasteride, problem is, its too godamn expensive, like £48 for a month supply or something (propecia ofcourse) and I am just wondering where u guys get it, because i heard some of u lucky people get ur hand on 5mg and split into quarter, which cost u like £9 in a year (lol) but how to get my hand on it. My hairloss is getting worse day by day.
I also started using minoxidil for at least 2 months once a night, (my dark circles have gone bad) and i do know about the shedding process, but my hairline and temple is receding, i thought hair on my scalp was just gonna go thinner, not that my hairline will recede, and i dont want to go to the point where i wouldn't recover those hair lost by minoxidil. I heard stories on how minoxidil has destroyed hairline.
I just came up with theory for minoxidil, maybe i am wrong, maybe its plausible, is that when minoxidil is used on thin hair, and minoxidil then set those thin hair on the shedding process, but because the hair was so thin and weak, it doesn't grow back when the shedding process stopped. You think this could be possible, because my hairline is thin, especially my temple, and i have put minoxidil on my temple and near the hairline and now it got worse (it was settled before the minoxidil for 4-5 months). THank you for taking the time, I am so worried


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Heya buddy,

Sorry to see you are so worried man. I know it is easier said than done but try to relax a little bit.

People seem to get proscar(finasteride) from online pharmacies, however if you are in the UK they can be difficult to get. Are you able to get a prescription for finasteride from your doctor?

As for minoxidil destroying your hair, you want to try and use it for up to a year to see if you are responding. Shedding is said to be a good sign. Growth is said to come around the 3 month mark but can be longer.

If i were you I would get on finasteride as soon as possible, look into getting a Nizoral shampoo and use that a few times a week and continue using your minoxidil and evaluate at the three month mark. minoxidil may be working but the fact DHT is attacking your follicles, it is fighting a losing battle. Also try take photographs from the start of treatment so you can monitor your progress.

All the best.


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Heya buddy,

Sorry to see you are so worried man. I know it is easier said than done but try to relax a little bit.

People seem to get proscar(finasteride) from online pharmacies, however if you are in the UK they can be difficult to get. Are you able to get a prescription for finasteride from your doctor?

As for minoxidil destroying your hair, you want to try and use it for up to a year to see if you are responding. Shedding is said to be a good sign. Growth is said to come around the 3 month mark but can be longer.

If i were you I would get on finasteride as soon as possible, look into getting a Nizoral shampoo and use that a few times a week and continue using your minoxidil and evaluate at the three month mark. minoxidil may be working but the fact DHT is attacking your follicles, it is fighting a losing battle. Also try take photographs from the start of treatment so you can monitor your progress.

All the best.

Hey thanks for the reply, i cant get the prescription from the gp and that why i am trynna find alternative ways of getting my hand on it. Could u give me some names on people who get finasteride 5 mg within uk, or maybe some legit website (to buy finasteride) that is popular and trustworthy within the people of this forums.​



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Hey man, I use AssetChemist, they are UK chemist registered with the NHS. Costs like £6.50 for 28 5mg finasteride plus a prescription fee. Its the cheapest legit way to get it I'v found.


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Is there anyways to get finasteride in the US without a script? Like anyone know any back channels?