Which Country Has The Best Soliders?


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Ok, so I was talking to a Brit and French guy who was telling me that the US army is full of guys with crap fitness, dependent on technology and simply not as tough saying that even the elite US soliders don’t compare to the SAS or Foreign Legion.

What do you all think? Which country has the toughest soldiers?

Jack Ito

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Royal Marines (UK). From what I know they have to endure the longest and most brutal training out of the lot, 32 weeks of pure hell.


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I guess, the country with the biggest military budget. Btw, for success in modern wars the physical power of soldiers and their quantity are all things of secondary importance.


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Germany without a doubt, they proved it two times already, we don't need a third proof. (Joke)
But if i had to make a hard guess, and as @DHTpolice said, biggest current military budget seems relevant, so USA, Russia and China.
China is the most dangerous IMO, huge manpower, budget, and a will to have the best army of the world.

But as for Germany in WW2, they used to have the poorest country of EU and virtually no army a few years before.WW1 litteraly bring them to their knees and people were starving, so this logic might be wrong


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Germany without a doubt, they proved it two times already, we don't need a third proof. (Joke)
But if i had to make a hard guess, and as @DHTpolice said, biggest current military budget seems relevant, so USA, Russia and China.
China is the most dangerous IMO, huge manpower, budget, and a will to have the best army of the world.

But as for Germany in WW2, they used to have the poorest country of EU and virtually no army a few years before.WW1 litteraly bring them to their knees and people were starving, so this logic might be wrong

I've just realised I can't even spell Soldiers! Thanks for the all the insights, can't beat a bit of geopolitics combined with 'who are the hardest bastards' trash talk. I totally agree on your Germany example, the Versaille agreement was probably the biggest balls up in political history, repatriations from a country that was utterly destroyed.


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I will say India,China had given more than 50 ultimate warnings in Doklam in Bhutan but had to fallback as India didn't move even one feet backwards.
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lol @ cucks ITT

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Outside of special operations most military personnel are just normal people. Some fitness enthusiasts and people who can shoot but most are nothing special, some actually quite soft. Don't buy into the Hollywood bullshit that soldier=badass.

That being said in volunteer only militaries those who are in did sign on the line and take the vow, which in and of itself is beyond what many are willing to do