Which Minoxidil is the Best???


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I was interested in buying some 5% minoxidil.

Is any difference between Dr Lees, Kirkland and Regaine?

Which would you guys recommend?




Experienced Member
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I would say one, but you know I could be working for rogaine and tell you that rogaine is the best. I suggest your give each a try and see for yourself.

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Experienced Member
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Rogaine and Kirkland are identical, both made by Pfizer, just in different bottles. So if you're going to use Rogaine, use Kirkland instead, and don't pay extra for the brand name.


New Member
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Quick point: to be approved as a generic alternative to Rogaine (that is as an approved OTC hair loss treatment) it must be identical in chemical properties.

The Walmart brand of minoxidil is chemically *identical* to the "Rogaine" brand. FDA regulations on labeling mandate this.

Keep in mind the brand name is a marketing brand and does not indicate a chemical difference - in over the counter medications.

The price difference is reflected in the fact that generic companies dont have to do any of the research required to get a drug approved, dont defend themselves from bottom-feeding lawyers and don't spend a penny on marketing or product awareness. Pfizer spent hundreds of millions educating doctors and consumers about "Rogaine", creating product awareness.

As a professional in the pharmaceutical industry, I can assure you that minoxidil is minoxidil - as long as you buy it from any of the many, many reputable retailers.


Senior Member
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Reach! Reach for that one story that gives a bad opinion of Dr. Lee so you can avoid buying it. :)


Established Member
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im confused now!

Should i avoid Dr lee's?