Which sections of the forum do you skip over?


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As you know, the forum has lots of sections, namely,

Tell your story
Men's general discussions
Anti Androgens
Growth Stimulants
Hair transplant section
Hair systems/wigs
Success stories
Impact of hair loss section
Cloning and hair multiplication
New treatments and studies
Health and Fitness
Dealing with side effects
Off topic section

Which of these sections do you skip over and why? Or are you thorough and go through them all?

I find myself avoiding the wig section because I have no interest in ever wearing one.

I avoid the shedding and side effects forum as i've been on the big 3 for 8+ years and don't shed or have side effects.

The cloning and new treatments section are avoided as i'm far to cynical to beleive anything new is on the horizon.

And finally, I mainly avoid the impact of hairloss section as it's full of negativity and people competing with each other who has the worst case of hairloss, and a severe case of 'woe is me' although probably the higest post count in threads of any section. Misery loves company after all.

How abouts you? :smoke:


Senior Member
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I usually just go to "view new post since last visit." From there if I see a thread with posts by a member I like, an interesting topic, or a thread that is hot with lots of responses, I usually check it out regardless of the section.


Experienced Member
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Same as nene. Cant remember last time i manually checked a section...


Senior Member
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Same as Nene and MrBastard; I have "View new posts" in a sidebar plug-in (merged with the other regular forums I visit), and I just see new posts across all the boards.


Experienced Member
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I avoid the anti androgen and growth stimulant sections because I can't take the big 3. Consequently I also avoid the success stories and shedding stories. I don't really go on tell your story much. If anything I view the cloning section the most; any bit of new news then I want to read about it.

somone uk

Experienced Member
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i only really read HM , impact sometimes and off topic
everything else is a skip-over


Established Member
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I usually check the General Hair Loss Discussion, Impact of Hair Loss and this one. Then I may check out Tell Your Story followed by the Antiandrogens and Growth Stimulants forums. The rest of the forums I click into every now and then.


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idontwanttobebalding said:
For me...it is more about which sections I hit the most...what I mean is that I might find a topic in the "growth stimulants" section I find really interesting. That leads me to the "search" tool. All of a sudden I'm in every forum Bryan has ever responded in, checking his credibility because some "newbie" swears he works for Proctor... which leads me to an UK site that brings up GeminiX's great transplant pictures.. which leads me to an honest but cruel response from s.a.f. in the wigs section...that CCS disagrees with in the New Treatment section and he decides to inject something into his veins that brings Brainsexpelhair into the picture saying it's OK to do as long as it's gluten free in the health section which...of course...brings me ultimately...and...somehow logically...to the experimental section where the sixth person..........Hoppi..... cures my male pattern baldness with a liver transplant! :) ....which isn't even a section in this forum by the way!!! :dunno:

So I guess you can put me in the thorough group! :) :)

LOL! good stuff! :punk: Approved!


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idontwanttobebalding said:
For me...it is more about which sections I hit the most...what I mean is that I might find a topic in the "growth stimulants" section I find really interesting. That leads me to the "search" tool. All of a sudden I'm in every forum Bryan has ever responded in, checking his credibility because some "newbie" swears he works for Proctor... which leads me to an UK site that brings up GeminiX's great transplant pictures.. which leads me to an honest but cruel response from s.a.f. in the wigs section...that CCS disagrees with in the New Treatment section and he decides to inject something into his veins that brings Brainsexpelhair into the picture saying it's OK to do as long as it's gluten free in the health section which...of course...brings me ultimately...and...somehow logically...to the experimental section where the sixth person..........Hoppi..... cures my male pattern baldness with a liver transplant! :) ....which isn't even a section in this forum by the way!!! :dunno:

So I guess you can put me in the thorough group! :) :)

I laughed when I read the part about Brainsexpelhair says it's ok so long as it doesn't have gluten. :laugh:


Senior Member
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I only look at :
Transplants section
Health and Fitness
Off Topic
General Discussions
Imapct of hairloss

(in that order)

Everything else such as growth stimulants is bollocks for newbies who still think it can be cured with vitamins. And as for the cloning anyone who's been on there has so far been wasting their time.


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Petchsky said:
As you know, the forum has lots of sections, namely,

Tell your story
Men's general discussions
Anti Androgens
Growth Stimulants
Hair transplant section
Hair systems/wigs
Success stories
Impact of hair loss section
Cloning and hair multiplication
New treatments and studies
Health and Fitness
Dealing with side effects

Which of these sections do you skip over and why? Or are you thorough and go through them all?

I find myself avoiding the wig section because I have no interest in ever wearing one.

I avoid the shedding and side effects forum as i've been on the big 3 for 8+ years and don't shed or have side effects.

The cloning and new treatments section are avoided as i'm far to cynical to beleive anything new is on the horizon.

And finally, I mainly avoid the impact of hairloss section as it's full of negativity and people competing with each other who has the worst case of hairloss, and a severe case of 'woe is me' although probably the higest post count in threads of any section. Misery loves company after all.

How abouts you? :smoke:

I have fixed it for you......................................................... :whistle:

If you skip over "Off-Topic"..............................you will not get a reply to this post..................................... :whistle:

Or are you just trying to catch people out....................................... :whistle:


Senior Member
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I check into the Antiandrogens forum every now and then just to make sure nobody has started a 'new study finds dutasteride gives you cancer/AIDS/whatever' thread.

Rest of the time in off-topic.


Senior Member
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I never read:
Tell your story
Dealing with side effects
Success stories


Senior Member
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Naturally, the off topic section is where all the cool people hang out, goes without saying, we are like the smokers at school.

The reason I ask is because i'm a nosey parker, i'm the neighbourhood watch of HairLossTalk.com. Nah, just a case of good old boredom.

Doug Douglas

Established Member
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I generally stay in this part of the forums, though I've been absent for a long while (can't seem to log in at work and I feared I'd been banned -- again). Also check out some of the posts in General Hairloss, though that seems to be frequented by a lot of newbies. Happy new year, btw!

Doug Douglas

Established Member
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I didn't want to start a new thread, so I just thought I'd ask in this one: Which other forums do you guys visit? As in, outside of hairloss forums?


Senior Member
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Doug Douglas said:
I didn't want to start a new thread, so I just thought I'd ask in this one: Which other forums do you guys visit? As in, outside of hairloss forums?

None. Occasionally, I visit a forum for my university, but Facebook does a better job of uniting my classmates.