
Which Shampoo Is Best To Use Everyday Given My Regime?


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Hi guys,

First time poster here. I have got thinning on my front right and front left side as well thinning starting to occur around my crown area. All this given I am in my mid 20s! I had depression for a long time but funnily enough this has started happening when I was getting a lot better.

Anyway I have heard that 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 drops of vinegar is supposed to be a good natural remedy, so I have started applying that for an hour daily in the past week after work. Since ACV has quite a potent smell and that I work in an office environment, I need to wash/shampoo my hair everyday to try and get a lot of the smell off. After an hour or so of ACV + cayenne in my scalp, I rinse it with Alepcin caffeine shampoo. It says it doesn't have conditioning ages and it says it can be used daily.

I was hoping to hear opinions on whether the shampoo I am using is alright and which are the best/healthiest shampoos to use daily.

After shampooing I apply cocunut oil to my scalp over night.

Would appreciate your help!!

Michele J.Taylor

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It really sucks facing hair problem at a very young age when you have to boom your lifestyle,
That's a good idea to apply oil during nights your hair doesn't get dry

Hair Loss and hair getting thin is a first step major problem one can face
Along with using hair products proper diet should also be needed

Since you are applying ACV and cayenne some types of bacteria are killed you need a regular hair wash, Use it to fight dandruff and itchy scalps, or to degunk product buildup and reveal shinier and smoother hair
Drinking small amounts of ACV could be helpful for people with diabetes or those that want to balance their blood sugar levels.

When its time to wash your hair use the sulfate free shampoo, shampoo with no chemicals doesn't effect your hair have any side effects
Pai-Shau is the best product,
Recently found research from some experts saying vegan tea based hair products like Pai-shau are free from sulfates, Parabens, and gluten.
this could be the best combination for your hair repair