which spironolactone is the least smelliest (if any)


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i have decided on a regimen of spironolactone, crinagen and folligen. so which spironolactone is the least smelliest. that be said which is the most effective 5%, 2% is 5% smellier.


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They all stink. It's the reaction between minoxidil and spironolactone.

The Gardener

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5% is the least smelly. Not because of the particular % of spironolactone, but because of the carrier substance. 5% comes in a cream, wheras the smellier 2% comes in an alcohol base. Again, as Sting says, the smell really comes from the combining of the spironolactone and minoxidil. The 2% spironolactone alone has a medicinal, alcohol-like smell. But, once mixed with the minoxidil and add heat and it gets noticeable.

I must admit that the latest batch of 2% I got from Dr Lee smells a LOT less. He has mentioned that he has been tinkering with his formulation to minimize the smell issue, maybe it is reaping some results? Nevertheless, I only use it in the evenings and a minimal amount on the hairline and temple area during the day. No smell issues with this small amount... but I would definitely NOT use it on a hot day when I am planning on engaging in physical activity.


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is it helping and what's the website you make these purchases. HOw long doe it take to arrive

The Gardener

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Well, it is working for me and I am getting excellent results, great results. But, I am using it in combination with minoxidil, so I am not sure which of the two products might be doing the most good. However, I am not going to mess with a good thing so I'm not going to experiment using one product and not the other to figure it out.

I order it from Dr Lee at http://www.minoxidil.com using the order form on his website. The shipping is very fast, each time the very next business day I get an email letting me know that the product has shipped. For me, the product comes the very next day in a discreet package via US Mail, but I live in the Los Angeles area where Dr Lee is also located so I think the fast shipping is just a function of geography.


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The Gardener said:
Well, it is working for me and I am getting excellent results, great results. But, I am using it in combination with minoxidil, so I am not sure which of the two products might be doing the most good. However, I am not going to mess with a good thing so I'm not going to experiment using one product and not the other to figure it out.

Question, can you explain whats the excellent results are? Can you be more specific?

The Gardener

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Sure, Guy83, I'd be happy to. Bear with a short bio to give you a quick background.

I was an NW3, my balding pattern was only in the temples and I have no thinning or balding on the back crown of my head. I just have high temples.

Well, I did nothing about it for years... just used the acceptance strategy. Ten years ago when I was 25 there was only minoxidil 2% to use, and that only with a prescription! It was hard for a year or so, but after a while I realized that despite having a 'high temple' hairline I was still attracting women so thought nothing of it and became a lot less conscious about it. I still had nice hair, just had some high temples.

Well, in 2003 the hair in the top front of my hairline (between the balding temples) started to shed and thin badly. I was looking less like The Rock and more like Phil Collins, from a hairline perspective that is. Even though I still had hair above the center forehead, it was noticeably of a different and thinner texture than the other hair behind it and styling was becoming very difficult. I got onto Minoxidil and spironolactone.

Well, the really outstanding improvements I have seen are in the existing hair in the center forehead area. The hair that was once thin and brittle is now growing long and strong. Significant cosmetic improvement, I am now styling my center forehead hair again. It is thick, I don't know how to express it, but, you could say that I just don't look as much like a guy who is losing his hair than I used to. As for regrowth and hairline reduction... I am seeing that too. The very top upper corner of my bald temples went through the typical peachfuzz stage, and now the hairs at the corner are definitely rounding off what was a sharp bald angle up there. It is filling in. The new longer hairs are a bit curlier than the others, but after 4 1/2 months they are now starting to blend in a bit with the other hairs behind them, and are stylable. About a quarter to a half inch improvement on my hair-pulled-back hairline.

I wish I had taken measurements on the width of my center-forehead patch before I started. The regrowth effect to narrow my balding temples has been less dramatic, hard to gauge when wet, but when I style it I now notice that I am able to hide a lot more of the bald temples than I used to. I think the bald area has narrowed a bit, but very slowly, hair by hair.

I could not be more happy about the effects my regimen has had. I had only hoped to prevent my center forehead patch from dissappearing, which it definitely has done. The regrowth is an added bonus, it is not as dramatic as the improvement in the quality of my existing, but once thinning hair, but it is there and is happening at my almost 5 month mark. I have been a good responder to the minoxidil/spironolactone/Nizoral combo. There was a few weeks when I thought things were stalling out... I even got a shed at the 4 month mark!

But I have stuck with it, applying minoxidil two times a day religiously and have only missed one application in the 4 months since I discovered Dr Lee's minoxidil for am usage. I apply the spironolactone liberally at night, and in the mornings I only moisten my hairline and bald temple areas. On weekends, I try to get in a third application of spironolactone if I can onto the hairline and temples. It's worked, and my regimen has become a habit that I have integrated into my daily routine.