Which treatment is the best for thickening existing hair?


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For those that have achieved a great deal of regrowth or feel they have enough hair but want to increase the thickness, which treatment would be the best i.e. minoxidl, spironolactone, finasteride, etc. I am referring to genuine thickness rather than cosmetic. My hair is quite volatile, whereby, I could have relatively thick hair one day and then it would look and feel quite thin the next thus, going from someone who doesn't really look as if they are losing hair to someone who is.

The Gardener

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That's a tough question to answer. My politically and scientifically correct answer would be that depending on your particular internal physiology, either minoxidil, Finasteride, or spironolactone all might do the trick.

Now, if you want my PERSONAL and UNSCIENTIFIC opinion, I say Minoxidil... so I hereby cast my vote:

Finasteride 0
Minoxidil 1
spironolactone 0
Tricomin 0
Cu Peptides 0
Nizoral 0
xxxx 0


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The Gardener said:
That's a tough question to answer. My politically and scientifically correct answer would be that depending on your particular internal physiology, either minoxidil, Finasteride, or spironolactone all might do the trick.

Now, if you want my PERSONAL and UNSCIENTIFIC opinion, I say Minoxidil... so I hereby cast my vote:

Finasteride 0
Minoxidil 1
spironolactone 0
Tricomin 0
Cu Peptides 0
Nizoral 0
xxxx 0

Also RK-Sniff Sniff (1)

The Gardener

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cloud said:
-MSM topical (?)


Hey, Cloud, what is your take on the Lasercomb? I used to think it was bogus until I heard that they were putting through FDA trials, which are time-consuming and costly and NOT something that a snake oil-type product would feel the need to do. And then I saw a piece on it on my local TV news that framed it as a potentially serious weapon in the arsenal against hairloss.

Have you noticed any benefit from it? What is it like?

And, to update the scorecard so far:
Finasteride 0
Minoxidil 2
spironolactone 0
Tricomin 0
Cu Peptides 0
Nizoral 0
xxx 0
RK-sniff sniff 1
MSM Topical 1
Lasercomb 1


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I have a pretty extensive regimen, but I consider the lasercomb + minoxidil to be the 2 most important things in it... They are the things I'd least want to go without. (I've been using the LC for 6 months, and minoxidil for 7 -- the other stuff in my regimen is far more recent).

The lasercomb has done wonders for my scalp health, and I believe that's crucial in the fight against hair loss. I'd been using minoxidil for a month before starting the LC, and it would make my scalp itchy. Since using the comb I haven't had any scalp irritation.
I also believe it has made my hair thicker, and certainly healthier. Being female, I have diffuse thinning, and my hair used to be very wispy, dry and superthin. Now the texture has completely changed. Already 4 people have asked me what I'm doing with my hair because it is looking so noticeably thicker. (sorry don't want to sound like a LC commercial)

I've also had good regrowth, but that may be down to the minoxidil alone. I'm not convinced the lasercomb is the best method for regrowth, but I think rather it works well in conjunction with other treatments.

I don't understand why most people think the lasercomb is a scam... it has been approved in Canada and Singapore as a regrowth treatment.

On the female forums quite a few women are using it and having success.



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Minoxidil all the way, must use it consistently twice a day for best results. Even if you only have time to get it on for an hour before you shower. My hair thickens up like a weed on the stuff. Proscar/propecia stops loss but minoxidil thickens things up greatly.


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minoxidil itch

Dear Cloud,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the regrowth that you have had...

Secondly, I wanna ask you if you are from singapore? I am from KL...

Thirdly, I would like to add that your minoxidil itch is not 'eliminated' because of lasercomb...

minoxidil itch do generally go away after time... just like when i started minoxidil and from many others testimony...

Maybe lasercomb is giving you regrowth, but the cost of it do not justify the uncertainty if it gives regrowth


Finasteride 0
Minoxidil 3
spironolactone 0
Tricomin 0
Cu Peptides 0
Nizoral 0
xxxx 0
RK-sniff sniff 1
MSM Topical 1
Lasercomb 1


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I was under the impression that excess DHT on the scalp was the cause of hair minituaristaion. Surely, any DHT inhibitor, more so than a growth stimulant such as minoxidil, would be more effective at reversing the thinning by allowing hair to grow to its full-life cycle. I realise that minoxidil thickens up hair because my hair has thickend up considerably (and lots of regrowth), even though I have only been on minoxidl and nizarol for 6-7 mojnths. But, theortically, it is the dht inhibitors that should thicken up hair, shouldn't it? Perhaps, it is the minoxidil and dht inhibitor working synergistically, is the most effective way of thickening hair.

I wish I had started on spironolactone 2% when I first began using minoxidil (as it is I will be starting next week), afterall, minoxidl is said to regrow for a period of 15-24 months, so I have got to make use of the remaining months as constructively as possible.


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Hi Andrew,

I'm not from Singapore, I'm in Europe (Belgium).
I agree the lasercomb is expensive but to me it is worth it. I wanted an improvement in hair thickness and quality just as much as I wanted regrowth.



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Cu peptides; Allowing hairs to remain in the anagen phase longer.......therefore thicker hair.