Which would you rather have?


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Assuming cost of all of these are not too prohibitive:

1. Fill in your bald areas with body hair that is curly, but plentiful enough for full density. Women look at the change in hair characteristics and think you are wearing a wig. But you tell them to put their hands in your hair and see for themselves that it is not a wig.

2. Wear a hair piece that matches your natural hair almost exactly. You got to change it at least twice a week because the glue and your oil don't go together. If women feel the right areas, they might notice it is a wig, if they are checking. But they are not checking because it looks so good they assume it is real. But you worry they will find out one day.

3. Leave the super thin spot bald, or shave.

4. Get a hair transplat with scalp hair. It thins your sides a bit more, and your bald area, now grafted, is see through from some angles, especially in the temples, but looks OK in the right lighting. You have to settle for a NW2 since you don't have enough donor hair.


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4. Since I'm not going for perfection and thats the easiest option bar just shaving it.

uncomfortable man

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Bht for full coverage, but keep it short.