White Cliffs studio in the UK


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Has anyone heard anything about this place?


The videos are interesting - all seem pretty convincing apart from the first one on This Morning (with Philp Scofield) when they pour a bucket over him, but I suppose he could quite easily just move the stray hairs that have moved unnaturally.

I'm worried it'll be another 'advanced hair studio' type place though. But down the line if my hair loss becomes awful I'll seriously consider a piece. Sure, there are stigma's attached but life is too short to be depressed without hair


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mr_sparkle said:
I'm worried it'll be another 'advanced hair studio' type place.

That would be my guess. TBH I dont know of any reputable UK suppliers but I think its commonly known that like hair transplant clinics the good places dont run newspaper ads.


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To be fair, I've not seen it in a newspaper. I stumbled across the site accidentally!!


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I've seen it papers and magazines.


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Dammit! The site seems pretty legit, but you're right as soon as it appears in the London Metro/Lite/Paper you know it's shite.. :(


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mr_sparkle said:
Has anyone heard anything about this place?


The videos are interesting - all seem pretty convincing apart from the first one on This Morning (with Philp Scofield) when they pour a bucket over him, but I suppose he could quite easily just move the stray hairs that have moved unnaturally.

I'm worried it'll be another 'advanced hair studio' type place though. But down the line if my hair loss becomes awful I'll seriously consider a piece. Sure, there are stigma's attached but life is too short to be depressed without hair

they are like farrell well over priced and no better then the cheaper on line companys


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Actually they're a franchise with Farrell. Used them before. Won't go back.

As for systems in general - there really is no stigma anymore. We live in a world filled with cosmetic dentistry, laser eye correction, and same with, well, name a body part!

If you go out in the street with a ferret on your head, fair enough. But if you have a good quality system, which is really just like hair extensions anyway, just, y'know, straight to the scalp, then what the hell. You'll look awesome. You'll feel even better.

Works for me.

THG :)