White Polar Bear Come Back (more Words)


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He's the hero Hairlosstalk deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

He will return. They always do. You can't escape this forum. He'll be back.
He's my type of man.


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I misses him, too. He's always been one of my favourite users and always be. When I first discovered this forum 3 years ago, I read his comments, and they helped me coming to terms with the fact I was fucked with hair loss and how people, women and society would have treated me because of it. And he was right about everything. He's always been right.
Well, I don't know if he is always right but he livens the place up.


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Oh, Dante.. So you were reading the forum for a few years before you signed up, is that right?


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Yes, mostly the Impact of Hair Loss threads. I never bothered with threads about treatments, I always knew finasteride and minoxidil were the only things that barely worked. I didn't need to delude myself, I wanted to know what was waiting for me, and to prepare myself for when sh*t would have inevitably hit the fan. I knew I was fucked from the very beginning (ugly with no aesthetic redeeming qualities and a weirdly shaped head) and that I would have gone bald, treatments or not. I needed to know how people would have treated me. And many threads and comments (especially those written by Fred) helped me coming to terms with it.

Do you drive a car or take public transportation? Do you notice people staring at you? I think the worst would be those annoying groups of little 13-16 girls that mock older people.


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I use public transports (much less expensive than having and driving a car in a big city in Italy). Yeah, when I can't wear a hat, people stare at me. Especially young people. After all an extremely pale, skinny bald young guy isn't something you see very often, I can see the look of amusement and false pity in their eyes. And Italians are dicks who care only about looks and money, so they consider me a freak at best. Yeah, sometimes I can hear very young people whispering and laughing when I come by. I got used to it. It's not like I can do anything else to prevent it.
It's best to always wear sunglasses. That way you can kind of believe you are cocooned somewhat behind a dark filter.
Also... Headphones are are must on public transport.


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He will back soon enough, this is his home.

Wont be going any where, any time soon.


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My Regimen
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I use public transports (much less expensive than having and driving a car in a big city in Italy). Yeah, when I can't wear a hat, people stare at me. Especially young people. After all an extremely pale, skinny bald young guy isn't something you see very often, I can see the look of amusement and false pity in their eyes. And Italians are dicks who care only about looks and money, so they consider me a freak at best. Yeah, sometimes I can hear very young people whispering and laughing when I come by. I got used to it. It's not like I can do anything else to prevent it.

come to england dante

were ugly as f*** man. no one will stare at you.