Who has a shaved head here?


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Wuts up guys,

Ive been on finasteride for nearly 2 months, while i have most of my hair, my right temple is starting to thin. Thinkin about shaving my head on a 1 or 2 clip. Questions:

-Anyone else have thinning in the beginning of treatment and eventually grow hair again? (im on finasteride and n2% nizoral only)
-Im sure its much easier to maintain, lol, how do you like it?

P.S. yes, i know 5% minoxidil could/would help with frontal growth, but that stuff is such a pain in the azz. I know im prob being stubborn, but i dont wanna get into all that.

Thanx for your advice,

Best of luck to all


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I have a shaved pubic region............want me to post some pics. Looks pretty good.


I'm probably going to shave my head soon. I've been on Propecia for almost 9 months and it's done absolutely nothing for me. In fact, I fear it's made me lose my hair faster. I'm on Nizoral as well, which has done nothing, and have been on Revivogen for going on almost a month and a half.


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I usually buzz my head with a #1 or #2 setting. The #2 setting is the highest I can go on the top, otherwise my hair just looks too thin and the hairloss is noticeable.

I just shaved my head completely bald with a razor last week. Most of my friends said I look scary or like a skinhead. I do have some dents in my head, so it's not the best shape for a shaved head. To be honest, every time I looked in the mirror, my heart just sank because I know the shaved head look doesn't really work for me. But it could be worse I guess.

I'm just trying to get used to eventually losing all of my hair and having no choice but to shave it. It's only a matter of time before that happens. Maybe a year or two, I don't know.

The worst thing is when people say 'You should grow your hair a little bit, it would look much better.' I think to myself, 'No sh*t, I know it would look better. But I can't grow it because I'm losing it.'

Anyway, it is definitely much easier to maintain this way. I don't find hairs on my pillow or in the shower anymore. And I don't spend any time trying to cover up thin spots.

I would say give it a try and see how it looks.


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Is there hope for any of us?


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I shave mine with a 1, also its way easier and less messy to put in the minoxidil. I use 5% once a day.


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viperfish said:
I have a shaved pubic region............want me to post some pics. Looks pretty good.

You should try waxing - less stubble. Just ask for a 'back, crack and sac'!



Senior Member
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Waxing? Man that has gotta hurt like sh*t!! However, I prefer the 5 O'clock shadow down south.


Established Member
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viperfish said:
Waxing? Man that has gotta hurt like sh*t!! However, I prefer the 5 O'clock shadow down south.

A little sumtin' to give the ladeez some grip..?