Who has had hair growth or thickening on finasteride everyother day


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Whats going everybody. I'm a long time reader of this forum. I have read studys on these forums that shows propecia everyother day being effective as everyday. I ask myself if this is the case why isn't propecia .5mg instead. but anyways I want to know who in this forum has had noticible hair improvement, thickening, or growth on the every other day route. Your answer will be appreciated.


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Welcome J5. Been using finasteride for nearly three years. Have had substantial success with only 0.25mg finasteride 3 to 4 times per week. Recession has halted and coverage has thickened. Side effects definitely diminished, but not fully eliminated.


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Scaramanga said:
Welcome J5. Been using finasteride for nearly three years. Have had substantial success with only 0.25mg finasteride 3 to 4 times per week. Recession has halted and coverage has thickened. Side effects definitely diminished, but not fully eliminated.

what side effects did you or do you have?

I've been on propecia for about a month and noticed my forehead is more oily, and that's about it.


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scaramanga whats going on, how did u use .25mg of finasteride? was it everyday, every other day, or did u cut the pill etc?


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J5 said:
scaramanga whats going on, how did u use .25mg of finasteride? was it everyday, every other day, or did u cut the pill etc?

It's virtually impossible to accurately divide the dosage beyond 1mg. I found the best way was to chew off tiny .25mg pieces of the pill, trying not to get any saliva on it.

Basically, I was experiencing side effects with Finasteride, mostly with impaired sexual function, so I began lowering the dosage. I even tried taking .25mg every other day. In both cases efficacy remained identical, and side effects became negligible, which is great news.

Incidentally, out of sheer curiosity, I even stopped taking Finasteride completely. Anyway, about month or so later, the shedding started again like crazy. I believe it's after around the 3rd or 4th week the prostate starts to enlarge to normal size. So I believe you can go a few days in between dosages and be perfectly fine; although, I'll bet it depends greatly on the individual.


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Jeffsss, As for finasteride side effects, I had/have the works:
(1) Vastly reduced libido - right from day one
(2) Depression / Mental Fog
(3) Increased facial wrinkles - especially under the eyes & generally poorer skin.
On the flip side, it has done wonders for my hair!! I recently quit for a couple of weeks, and felt like a new man. At the moment, I am only taking 0.25MG per week, and can almost feel the side effects drain out of me by the third day!!

J5 - As Joseph49853 writes, it is almost impossible to cut accurately to that level. I just take a very sharp knife and carefully cut the 5MG proscar into 20 bits. I had initially been taking 1mg and have gradually reduced the amount to this. Side effects have definitely diminished. Undoubtedly, however, I am highly sensitive to the drug, and my experiences would not be representative of the broader finasteride community.


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Scaramanga said:
Jeffsss, As for finasteride side effects, I had/have the works:
(1) Vastly reduced libido - right from day one
(2) Depression / Mental Fog
(3) Increased facial wrinkles - especially under the eyes & generally poorer skin.
On the flip side, it has done wonders for my hair!! I recently quit for a couple of weeks, and felt like a new man. At the moment, I am only taking 0.25MG per week, and can almost feel the side effects drain out of me by the third day!!

J5 - As Joseph49853 writes, it is almost impossible to cut accurately to that level. I just take a very sharp knife and carefully cut the 5MG proscar into 20 bits. I had initially been taking 1mg and have gradually reduced the amount to this. Side effects have definitely diminished. Undoubtedly, however, I am highly sensitive to the drug, and my experiences would not be representative of the broader finasteride community.

(2) Depression / Mental Fog

Yes, I suffered from this too. And the depression was almost immediately noticeable, as I am almost never depressed. Although, it took me a while to attribute it to the Finasteride.

Also, my urine started to smell like burnt ammonia soaked rope... even though I drink a lot of water throughout the day. :)

But guess what? I also noticed that I had a fair more amount of energy throughout the day, which is definitely a great side effect. It didn't happen initially, but built gradually over a period of time. I wonder if I'm the only one who's experienced an increase in energy on Finasteride.


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Someone posted pics on here a while back who had regrowth taking 1/4 Proscar every other day. I think his name was nooc or something similar.


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biff said:
Someone posted pics on here a while back who had regrowth taking 1/4 Proscar every other day. I think his name was nooc or something similar.

he was also using minoxidil 5% twice daily. I cannot attribute his amazing success after 3 months to propecia. Too soon. minoxidil could have given that to an elite responder though.

Check the success stories section.


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man that sounds awesome why didnt i think of that .25mg sounds mad bro im gonna try that!!! has anyone else had success with lets say .50? any advice would be great >.. and how are the side effects wsith that low dose i bet you hardly get any??


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KiLLuMiNaTi said:
man that sounds awesome why didnt i think of that .25mg sounds mad bro im gonna try that!!! has anyone else had success with lets say .50? any advice would be great >.. and how are the side effects wsith that low dose i bet you hardly get any??

Keep lowering your dosage until you start noticing shedding. I was greatly surprised at just how little Finasteride needed to be in ones system to be effective. For me, I'd say under .5mg and the negative side effects almost completely went away. Best way to see is to give it a try yourself.


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thanks mate..im lowering my dose to .62.5 today LOOL thats half of a 1.25 well see how i go


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J5 said:
scaramanga whats going on, how did u use .25mg of finasteride? was it everyday, every other day, or did u cut the pill etc?

Into quarters.


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I use 0.25mg as I had sides on just 0.5mg (constant ache in my balls, low libido). I have had no major sides on 0.25mg but I haven't woken up with a boner in the morning since I started using it! My hair is still falling out - just had around five hairs fall out when combing my hair this morning - but it is just under two months since I started so perhaps it will take a bit longer to see if it is working. I might have to try 0.5mg again and hope the sides don't come back, or try cutting a Propecia tablet into three!


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SE-freak said:
biff said:
Someone posted pics on here a while back who had regrowth taking 1/4 Proscar every other day. I think his name was nooc or something similar.

he was also using minoxidil 5% twice daily. I cannot attribute his amazing success after 3 months to propecia. Too soon. minoxidil could have given that to an elite responder though.

Check the success stories section.

It could have been the minoxidil, but he has very similar hairloss to me and I haven't had that sort of success with minoxidil.


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biff said:
It could have been the minoxidil, but he has very similar hairloss to me and I haven't had that sort of success with minoxidil.

similarities in hairloss do not stop in pattern.


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SE-freak said:
biff said:
It could have been the minoxidil, but he has very similar hairloss to me and I haven't had that sort of success with minoxidil.

similarities in hairloss do not stop in pattern.

That's why I said it might have been the minoxidil, but I have read that minoxidil works best on the crown and with my experience of it on diffuse thinning all over I would surmise that his success would most likely be down to the finasteride.