who here gets scalp inflammation and drastic hair loss from finasteride. NOT SHEDDING.


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I'll throw this out there, and for the last f*cking time in my life, because I am curious with all the new members here. If just ONE of you say, oh that's normal, you're shedding to make way for beautiful terminal hair!! give it another 2 years! finasteride can't make hairless worse! I will hunt you down, tie you up and perform hair plug surgery to you in my basement. I once took finasteride for a year and like a moron tried It again recently, and here is what happens, by the book.

1) I swig a half bottle of whisky and go online and order some finasteride from a legitimate source
2) the finasteride comes in the mail and I'm like oh boy! I swig a half a bottle of whisky, pop 1mg, stare in the mirror at my chunky hair transplants and cry while screaming at god.
3). within a few days, my decrepit hairline feels like it's swelling and my crown feels like f*cking fire ants are butt f*cking each other all over it.
4). I give it a few weeks, drink an entire bottle of whisky and quit.
5). the inflammation continues for months.

so "finasteride can't Make hair worst" is the dumbest goddamn thing I've ever heard, because it does all the time.

what I am wondering is, how does no one know exactly what's going on beside reflex hyperandrogenicity? is there even proof of this? who else has experienced this and does ANYTHING HELP??? Thanks you beautiful sons of b****s! ;)