Who is the world's leading expert on Finasteride?


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Hey guys

I would love to find out who the most respected experts are on Finasteride. There is a lot of information online and from clinics and the like, but I'm really keen to find the top 1-3 experts in this space to reach out directly to.

For context, I have been taking Finasteride for 17 years with a completely successful stop to my male pattern baldness. However, with recent reports of mental health side effects and my own discovery of very low dopamine, I am keen to find out what an expert in the field thinks about some of the key issues: risks, alternatives, ways of safely testing coming off Finasteride and the time needed to assess impact, etc.

Hope this makes sense and if there are some names that stick out please do share.

Of course whatever I find out in the course of my research I will gladly share with the rest of the community.

Thanks all.