Who used OC and did not see results?


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i am talking about those who used at least 1% at least once or twice a week

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for at least a month. I am still getting amazing results with it, and the few people I have seen who have used it have also stopped their shedding. I want to see who used it properly and did NOT get results?


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This is incredible news. After I am done with (xxxxxx Censored Treatment xxxxxx), I will start using OC to preserve my hair.


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I got it from Kane, not sure if there are other shops, you can check.. get the one soluble in ethanol, Kane has it.

so I take it no one had a disappointing experience with OC? If so, I find it crazy that people are still splashing snake oils on their scalps when there is a way to halt further loss.


New Member
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Interesting. There's a similar thread on Hair Loss Help. I'm a newbie at this stuff but it seems like OC is a promising treatment that not a lot of people have tried yet.

I don't actually blame them – I just ordered OC from Kane and it was the most god-awful online ordering experience I've ever had. You can't even pay on the Kane site; you have to Western Union them the money and email a confirmation number.


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I think at HLH people have tested his RU about 3 times at least, they tested his CB back in the days...all turn out to be as good as advertised... Maybe someone can help us test OC? I dunno i am all for testing... I am not sure whether it was tested or not..
i just know that Kane knows that we test stuff, and he must know that it is enough for him to mess up once for him to lose us as clients...

maybe you can send an email to iron dragon to produce this... The fact of the matter is that several trustworthy people have had success by attacking pgd2. On ha**site there is a guy called alecbaldone who has reported very similar progress (complete stop in shedding). Funny that many people who have tried pgd2 treatments are no longer coming to these forums... Good sign i think..


My Regimen
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bump this two year old thread because I am an A*shole. Who is using OC? Results? source?


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once a week 0.5%. gives me hypersensitivity reaction so i cant use more than this. i believe i lost some density since dropping finas, and i used finasteride even less dose sometimes once every 2 weeks.