Who uses Folligen?


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I just got my Folligen order from HairLossTalk.com along with courve(fast shipping BTW 3 days) and the Folligen container reminded me of the Procerin container,(generic white plastic container with a sticker hand placed on it). It came with no directions or ingredients?

My question is.....has anybody tried this stuff/or using it and is it working? I only question it because of its packaging?


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Thanks for the info Cassin.

I agree with you the stuff is green and messy but I have faith in it.

Surprisingly, Its not as messy as "Nioxin follicle booster".....that stuff is like crazy glue, and smells like an old shoe!


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Is there a reason you're not using finasteride or minoxidil and choosing to use Nioxin and Folligen instead?


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JWM, Im getting married in 3 months and Im scared to have a finasteride shed right before the wedding. So in three months i'm on board! I plan to use Propecia for the 1st year and cut proscar 1.25 after.

I was using minoxidil 5% once a day, very small amount on the crown, but stoped about two weeks because I read it doesnt last long. So I'm saving it as a last result....I'll probably start minoxidil again when I hit 30 or if things get really bad.


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I use folligen and like it. I use the spray stictly on my thinning crown. It can be messy and tends to run down my scalp, so I use tissue to blot the excess and then I'm good to go. Quick and easy. Can't say its helped my hairloss though, but does seem to help with irritation. Although my nizoral does the same thing.


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It's your choice, but I'm not sure what you are expecting by using Folligen and Nioxin. ANYTHING that works for male pattern baldness will most likely cause an initial shed upon initial use AND when you stop using it.

My advice is, if you're that concerned about your wedding day(congrats by the way) save your money for your honeymoon and for your Propecia that you plan on using upon your return.

In fact, I would also advise you to save even MORE money and go right to 1.25 mg of Proscar instead of Propecia. It is the same EXACT thing as Propecia but much, much cheaper.

So, in conclusion, if you only have slight thinning, stick to Finasteride and Nizoral. If you want some regrowth, add in Minoxidil 5%, and don't believe the BS about how it "stops working" after a year and a half. Those rumors are founded on the fact that minoxidil likely stops producing regrowth of new hair after 1.5 years BUT it still helps protect other hairs from falling out. Also, if you use a 5ar inhibitor like Finasteride along with minoxidil you increase your chances of success because the finasteride will stop the balding process and allow the minoxidil to do its job better. Minoxidil is basically "life support" for hair. It helps, but it doesn't stop the root cause of balding like finasteride does.


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JWM, thanks for the concern! The only reason im trying "The weak stuff" is to keep my hair from falling out. Now I do regret stopping minoxidil, THAT WASN'T TO SMART, but im afraid that if I start again so soon A-it wont work, or B-Ill have a start up shed? I bought Courve incase I do shed from stopping minoxidil 5%, but so far so good! ...but, I do want to start again.

BTW-The only reason Im taking Propecia for the first year, is so that i'm at an even dose. I figure the less in my system the longer the effect. I priced it out about $57.00 a month-not that bad-but if I run into cash problems I'll never hesitate to cut proscar!