beat being a slap head by 25. thats me, three hundred left and counting... i'm drowning very very fast guys.
shall i tell you something that''l cheer you youngies up?
ok here's the good news. you guys, by the time your my age, would have let 7 yrs go by. thats 7 whole yrs!! in that time, not only will HM be on the horizon, but hair transplant technology will be way advanced by then.
now, for instance in the hair transplant field, the only drawback up until now has been donor hair supply. recently a Dr named Cole, and Rose managed to transplant 6000 chest hairs to the guys head, there are still a few obstacles, i.e. anagen cycles etc, but we are making huge leaps in the hair transplant field.
so, in the worst case scenario, if HM doesnt materialise, u'll still have a very advanced hair transplant procedure to look into. nowadays its cost's circa 50000 dollars for this newbian type technology, but by the time you guys age to my age. ull have many things to look forward to. you'll have enough yrs on your clock to enjoy your hair. i, on the other hand i will be 32. an age to which if i started losing hair at that time, i would't give a monkeys, cuz most peeps my age would have naturally started receeding anaway. its all about looking your age.
a few months ago i got to know this girl over the internet, we had a few things in common and things progressed. when i finally plucked the courage to give her my picture, i got mistaken for a 37yr old guy, who was my uncle. (i just didnt have the time to crop the picture and just leave me in it). worst of all she even commented on how good i look(still mistaking me for my uncle note), also, she even made the point of her not likeing the way my uncle looked, i.e she pointed out the baldness. i was devastated!!
so far ive resisted the prozac, my baldness accellerated when i hit 23, and beacame really noticeable when i hit 24, one yr later, and people cant believe the metamorphasis.
hang in there bro's. you guys got allot more to look forward to than i have, by the time hairloss becomes really solvable, it'll be counter worthwhile for me.