Who's using Miconazole long term?


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There was a lot of interest in miconazole of the past year or so. So after all of the trials and experiments, how many people have incorperated Miconazole into their long term regimen?
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jonson said:
I use it only a month or more, i think it help a little.

No offense or anything but how can you use anything for a month and notice real results? Even with something proven to regrow hair like rogaine you have to use it for 3 or 4 months to see results.


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4% miconazole Nitrate+ 5% kirkland minoxidil is the best regrowth duo ever.


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where do you get your 4% Mico, please let us know ?


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squeegee said:
4% miconazole Nitrate+ 5% kirkland minoxidil is the best regrowth duo ever.

you're the biggest promoter of miconazole on this forum... how come you never posted any results since you claim that it regrew a lot of hair for you :jackit:


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2020 said:
squeegee said:
4% miconazole Nitrate+ 5% kirkland minoxidil is the best regrowth duo ever.

you're the biggest promoter of miconazole on this forum... how come you never posted any results since you claim that it regrew a lot of hair for you :jackit:

Because I am among the people who started using it over here at first dumb troll, use the search engine.. I had great success but also takes a bunch of internal supplements.. I had the best regrowth ever using Kirkland 5%+ Miconazole 4%. I bought some overstock of walgreens 4% 30 mg tubes over egay.(it doesn't exist anymore..just refill tube with stupid amount of it in it. I stopped using it when I ran out.. I had a big shed out of it. Now I am on 5% minoxidil and 2% Mico.. Cannot find any legit 4% with at least 30 grams tubes everywhere. I am not trying to promote miconazole Nitrate idiot.. I am just trying to tell people to try it if they want and use it on a regular basics if minoxidil is not enough. Carry on stupid troll..keep on nagging... with your stupid smilies.


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Thanks for the replys. I've been using miconazole only on my hairline for a few weeks now. Oviously too early for results, but I'll update in a few more weeks. I've been on the big 3 for 8 years now, with great results. it completely regrew the crown and front after 3 years of use. My hairline improved some over the first 4 years, but not completely. My hair been completley stable for the past 4 years, no loss no gains. So I'm using the mico on my hairline. If there is any improvement over the next few months I will be able to attribute the (additional) gains to the mico. We'll see....

So far I have noticed mild headaches if I use a lot (especially at first). At this point I am using only a small amount and only on the hairline. The $4 tube is going to last several months. Definitely the cheapest of the meds I used.

I know several posters had reported numerous tiny hairs after like 3 weeks. I have not experienced this so far. It's funny because this is what I saw at my hairline after about a month on roagin/finasteride when I first started 8 yeras ago. Those hairs that popped up at my hairline eventually grew to be normal terminal hairs, over a period of 4 years, so I wouldn't dicount that type of growth as being insignificant.