Why am I dead inside? ?


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I cant shake this feeling. Ive been going out and meeting new people socialising
im exercising
eating healthy etc.

im doing all the "healthy' things but why am i dead inside? i cant work it out.

anyone feel.this way?

like im disconnected
nothing matters

Howlin' Wolf

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Can you share some more about what's been happening in your life? Things sound pretty tough. Has anything led up to this, I wonder? There doesn't always need to be an obvious reason - but can you tell us some more?


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Sometimes I feel the same way, although I have someone who loves me, many times I just feel dead inside (and felt so since my suicide attempt) and idk what could help me. No, f*** off with antidepressants, never taking them

Howlin' Wolf

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I had a sense when I read the title of your post that this was a real cry for help. Antidepressants are not the way for everyone. But please don't be alone in this, mate. I can tell you're really hurting. Before you get to a stage of desperation - and certainly before taking any action - please reach out for help to anyone, anywhere. Things don't always have to feel so bad. Please don't be on your own - don't know where you're based in the world, but there's Samaritans in Britain. Always worth a call, or an email. Please keep talking.


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I cant shake this feeling. Ive been going out and meeting new people socialising
im exercising
eating healthy etc.

im doing all the "healthy' things but why am i dead inside? i cant work it out.

anyone feel.this way?

like im disconnected
nothing matters
I feel dead because I dropped my ice cream,


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I've read through the replies here. One or two are helpful, most of them infantile.

To anyone that thinks depression is funny, I say this.

I would inflict a serious case of clinical depression on you. Just for five minutes. I would give it all to you. I wonder what you would make of it?


Established Member
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I cant shake this feeling. Ive been going out and meeting new people socialising
im exercising
eating healthy etc.

im doing all the "healthy' things but why am i dead inside? i cant work it out.

anyone feel.this way?

like im disconnected
nothing matters
Don't know what state your hairloss is, but could be because hairloss is a mental health issue. Just a very untalked about one, more so for men.