Why are GOOD topical antiandrogens hard to get?


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I was wondering why some of newer and seemingly more effective topical antiandrogens are almost impossible to get. I' mainly refering to RU and 17-Propylmesterolone (http://www.springerlink.com/content/r61308234838273m/). I understand that company's aren't going to spend the money to get an FDA approval, but i see tons of new body building steroids that come on the market without FDA approval and would be much more dangerous than a topial AA. Are these chemicals just harder and more expensive to produce then steroids?

Its just really frustrating to me that we have the technology to stop hairloss topically, but its either insanely expensive or impossible to find. Anyone have an idea why this is?

somone uk

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i don't know how it works in america bud don't medicines have to have FDA approval before it can be legally sold?

it's hard to get because there is no real established process or reason to mass produce, chemicals are best made in MASSIVE amounts and because RU hasn't been proven and there is no mass market it won't be mass produced
the only way to get RU is by special order from a chemical company where it's most lightly custom made in a lab
really to for both antiandrogens all we need is for somone to acutally start selling it in solution but without FDA approval people will always question it's effectiveness


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Stop reading the clinical trials of new upcoming drugs. 90% of these drugs never make it on the market.

So many fail at the first stage and by the final stage does not work. Alot of the work you find in journals etc are all carried out on transgenic mice or in vitro studies and none of this is close to the human anatomy. Unfortunately, although the laboratory mouse is close to the human body, we are actually more complex than people think.

Currently, 36 vaccines are in the final stage of HIV-1 research and have been very effective. The downfall of all this research is that it will fall in the final stage due to the idiots looking at the wrong thing. Sorry to go off on a tangent.

Anyway, what I am trying to say, research is so young for male pattern baldness so hold you horses. I believe we are at least another 10 yrs for a pharmaceutical treatment. Even then it will not be a cure.

Stick to the known two and save your money. My money is on follicular cloning and hair transplantation. Currently follicular cloning is young as you can only clone / passage a certain amount of explant cells. Majority of them die quite easily.

Just relax. Enjoy your life. People have been balding for centuries! They still passed on their genes!


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I get sides from finasteride, topical AA's are all i have in terms of stopping shedding.