Why are guys in their 30's + as worried about male pattern baldness?

Mens Rea

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Now i know balding is never something people will enjoy


If you're thinning at 35 i really dont see why it should impact someone on a deep mental level.

Yes, start finasteride because its just a tablet a day. Why not?

But really.....its your early 20's - very early 30's is what matter. This is the time of your life when you're likely to be most affective by it socially etc.

When you get to 35 chances are you'll already have met someone and in most cases be married with children, have your career established as well as your friend circles. In that context, a few hairs shouldn't serve to distort that in any way. Life at this point is much less superficial than in youth

This is why i really am trying to maintain my hair so far as possible until i get to that point. I mean, if i go bald and it affects me in the hunt for a wife etc, or even a job (it shouldn't though) then this is where male pattern baldness makes your life difficult.

Am i not right? I see why young guys will inevitably stuggle but the older you get not only should baldness become more "normal" but it should also have less of a bearing on anything important in your life beyond your own vainity.

Bottom line for me is its the young guys that actually substantively suffer in the scheme of male pattern baldness.


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Colin297 said:
As above.

Now i know balding is never something people will enjoy


If you're thinning at 35 i really dont see why it should impact someone on a deep mental level.

Yes, start finasteride because its just a tablet a day. Why not?

But really.....its your early 20's - very early 30's is what matter. This is the time of your life when you're likely to be most affective by it socially etc.

When you get to 35 chances are you'll already have met someone and in most cases be married with children, have your career established as well as your friend circles. In that context, a few hairs shouldn't serve to distort that in any way. Life at this point is much less superficial than in youth

This is why i really am trying to maintain my hair so far as possible until i get to that point. I mean, if i go bald and it affects me in the hunt for a wife etc, or even a job (it shouldn't though) then this is where male pattern baldness makes your life difficult.

Am i not right? I see why young guys will inevitably stuggle but the older you get not only should baldness become more "normal" but it should also have less of a bearing on anything important in your life beyond your own vainity.

Bottom line for me is its the young guys that actually substantively suffer in the scheme of male pattern baldness.

Its refreshing to hear someone stick up for the younger guys on the site!

All the older guys seem to gang up a bit and say oh its nothing etc, but Ithink it is the young guys that have it worst!

for guys my age, around 20, we are meant to be at our peak when it comes to attractiveness and it sucks to be balding at this age, bottom line.

I hope im not on here when im 30-40 + tbh. I mean I can respect and understand elder posters and why there are here but still. I hope that by that age I am established with my own life, wife, job and friends etc. I dont want to be on here posting still.

In a way I can see that it may become harder for older guys as the actual hair loss is more - but the older you get the less women and people care as much - where as being young and losing hair, its a lot tougher I think. Its not something most of us expected, even if our familiy members are bald or whatever, it just hits you.

Mens Rea

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finfighter said:
I'm only 24, but I can understand why male pattern baldness would bother a guy at any age, it's a sign of aging and it's an unidealised physical attribute, as far as society is concerned that is. I meen look at all the older celebs that still pimp it, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Brad Pit, those guys are all older and they have great heads of hair, and woman still think there hot, but if they were all, Norwood sevens for for example, even with there celebrity status , I doubt they would still be considered sex symbles.

I think your post shows the inherent flaw in the whole thing. I mean, this is what im talking about

Im not talking abotu celebs here. THE NORMAL GUY ON THE STREET who lives a normal life with a normal family and a normal friend circle.


That guy isn't trying to be a sex symbol. The superfiscial aspect of life at this point should have dwindled hugely for the normal guy.

Mens Rea

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Hope4hairRedux said:
Colin297 said:
As above.

Now i know balding is never something people will enjoy


If you're thinning at 35 i really dont see why it should impact someone on a deep mental level.

Yes, start finasteride because its just a tablet a day. Why not?

But really.....its your early 20's - very early 30's is what matter. This is the time of your life when you're likely to be most affective by it socially etc.

When you get to 35 chances are you'll already have met someone and in most cases be married with children, have your career established as well as your friend circles. In that context, a few hairs shouldn't serve to distort that in any way. Life at this point is much less superficial than in youth

This is why i really am trying to maintain my hair so far as possible until i get to that point. I mean, if i go bald and it affects me in the hunt for a wife etc, or even a job (it shouldn't though) then this is where male pattern baldness makes your life difficult.

Am i not right? I see why young guys will inevitably stuggle but the older you get not only should baldness become more "normal" but it should also have less of a bearing on anything important in your life beyond your own vainity.

Bottom line for me is its the young guys that actually substantively suffer in the scheme of male pattern baldness.

Its refreshing to hear someone stick up for the younger guys on the site!

All the older guys seem to gang up a bit and say oh its nothing etc, but Ithink it is the young guys that have it worst!

for guys my age, around 20, we are meant to be at our peak when it comes to attractiveness and it sucks to be balding at this age, bottom line.

I hope im not on here when im 30-40 + tbh. I mean I can respect and understand elder posters and why there are here but still. I hope that by that age I am established with my own life, wife, job and friends etc. I dont want to be on here posting still.

In a way I can see that it may become harder for older guys as the actual hair loss is more - but the older you get the less women and people care as much - where as being young and losing hair, its a lot tougher I think. Its not something most of us expected, even if our familiy members are bald or whatever, it just hits you.


Truth, imo, is, if you're 40 and stuggling with insecurities about hair loss you probably haven't achieved the important things in your youth for the hair loss to be a small factor. I mean, the single guy that is 40 who is still not at the peak of his social actualisation or whatnot perhaps should be spared a thought in this debate, but at the same time it has to be wondered if he didn't achieve these thigns in his peak is it the hair loss or his general negative life experience that is causing the difficultly?

End of the day, im 23. I go to night clubs and bars every week to meet my friends and women and to make new friends. This lifestyle is at the height of being judged upon your looks. As you get older you detach yourself from this life style and subsequently hair loss should become less mentally scarring.

Any guy that has been bald since 20 will tell you the toughest age of baldness. Its the guys who only turn bald at 35 or whatever that dont realise that they already avoided the worst time of all to be bald and should be glad. Of course they wont have had the experience of high Norwood in youth to have this perspective though but if they did it would be a real eye opener imo.

As i always say, so long st hair loss doesn't f*** with me when im at my most instrumental age i say bring on the baldness when im older and have got my wife, career etc already established :D


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For some its not all about the hair. They may notice other things about themselves they don't like. It depends on the person. Guys in their 40's want to look hot so when they want to trade in their 40 year old wife or girlfriend for a " younger model" they can.

uncomfortable man

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Right, because our lives end at thirty so why should we care about anything past that point right? We might as well tuck our shirt into our dockers and crawl inside our cubicle because life after thirty is devoid of any joy or glamour and we have become obsolete to anything or anyone who is cool.
:bravo: you condecending a**h**!


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I got a new bulletin for you kids. If hair loss is bothering you now in your 20's, just wait until the rest of you "falls apart" as you age. Its so easy to say you won't worry about these things when you are older. The fact that you worry about it NOW is one big RED FLAG. You need to read up on your psychology kids. Once your "molded", age will only "mellow" you out to a certain point. I never worried about my hair like you guys do now.


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As one of the older guys on here I have to both agree and disagree with what you're saying yes I would say a guy who comes on here (complaining) at 30 with slight thinning and a NW2 is pathetic.
But in actual fact we 30+ guys make up probably about 2/3% of the forum users. And many of us are Nw5/6/7's and have been from our 20's.
Having been through it I can tell you yes becoming a NW2/3 in your early 20's is bad but at that stage although some may claim its obvious its not that obvious whearas being a NW5/6/7 is just terrible to live with whatever age you are and I find that if hairloss (even slight hair loss) bothers you during your 20's it will still bother you as you get older if it progresses.
If I'd had my hair until 30 and then found myself to have minor hair loss I would'nt be on here now but believe me there are 40/50/60/70 yr olds who still detest being bald.

Ps wether you youngsters believe it or not life does'nt end at 30 infact it almost begins. Trust me when you reach 30 you wont feel like slipping into a nice cardigan and slippers and spending your weekends reading the newspapers and gardening.

Nashville Hairline

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I used to naively think that wisdom and self-acceptance came with age but now I know that is not the case. Assholes frequently just grow into older and balder assholes.

Mens Rea

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Nashville Hairline said:
I used to naively think that wisdom and self-acceptance came with age but now I know that is not the case. Assholes frequently just grow into older and balder assholes.

lol :D

Okay, maybe i shouldn't be just so quick to imagine why someone should waive their vanity beyond a modest age of say 35.

I think the general thrust of my point still is that being bald at 40 really shouldn't be as important to you or your life as when you are early 20's.

Point taken from the guys who say they had both - i.e. bad hair young and worse hair older. That's probably the path i face but im pretty sure i wont be on here at 40 complaining


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The biggest flaw in this thread is that you don't know what it's like to be 30/40, so it's pretty lame for you to assume how a man of that age would feel about ANYTHING.

Speaking as a 43 year-old, let me make these observations:

1 - In general, it's probably worse to lose hair younger, simply because a full head of hair is synonomus with youth, and you feel more left out, as there are fewer other guys of your age with the same problem.

2 - However, it also depends how much you lose, what your remaining hair is like (texture, colour, etc.) and whether you can carry off the shaved look. A 6'4" 20 year-old with a fantastic physique, and a 'good' shaped head/face is better off than a 5'9" 35 year-old who wears glasses, with an average physique and the 'wrong' shaped head/face, even if they both have the same degree of hair loss. Also, somebody with lighter, and thick/curly, hair can carry off hair loss better than somebody with darker/straighter/thinner hair.

3 - If you have hair loss caused by something other than male pattern baldness (I have Alopecia Areata) I believe it's just as bad at any age because it looks abnormal (which it is, of course).

4 - It's a myth that life 'ends' at 30, or even 40, especially for a man. Without wishing to sound sexist, I believe that a woman's best years are when she's young. By the time she's 30 she's probably either married with kids, or she's starting to get desperate, because her biological clock is ticking, and her looks are fading.

For men, though, the best years can come after we're 30, because it's often only then that we have money, and because we age better than women, and can still date 25 year-olds (or even younger). I know this sounds very cliched, but it's, generally, true; as most cliches are. A 35 year-old man who's got money and looks can have a fantastic life. Even if you're married by 30 you can't be certain that you won't be single again at 35. It's extremely foolish for a young man to think he won't care about his hair when he's 35; trust me!


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I hate when I read things like this. Whether it be about hairloss or aging in general.

I am only 24, but I realize that I am getting older and will care about my appearance/health always. I've come to realize that you really don't grow up until you realize you are getting older. You aren't going to MAGICALLY stop caring about these things one day.

You are still a "kid" until you realize that you aren't going to magically turn into a different person just because a number tells you how old you are.

35 hits and all of a sudden your mind alters and you just don't care anymore :jackit:

Mens Rea

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Brick said:
I hate when I read things like this. Whether it be about hairloss or aging in general.

I am only 24, but I realize that I am getting older and will care about my appearance/health always. I've come to realize that you really don't grow up until you realize you are getting older. You aren't going to MAGICALLY stop caring about these things one day.

You are still a "kid" until you realize that you aren't going to magically turn into a different person just because a number tells you how old you are.

35 hits and all of a sudden your mind alters and you just don't care anymore :jackit:
ermm no, noone mentioned not caring

we're speaking in relative terms here

fact is, the spot light isn't shining on your bald head as much when you're older. Various factors combined make such a thing much less mentally scarring than it is/would be, for a guy in his early twenties.

i do agree with the other poster though it might effect someone who is 40 but still lives that party kinda life style and perhaps is single or divorced or wahtever.


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By the time you're 40 you should be settled down with a wife and kids, so you don't really need to worry so much about looking good.
Granted, if you look bald/abnormal, you'll still be treated differently by society, so I can understand oldies caring about going bald - it's only natural to dislike it.

But for people in their early 20's going bald it's a whole different kettle of fish. What wife would want kids knowing they'll suffer the curse of early male pattern baldness? Most women would rather pick a more genetically capable partner.


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I agree that the impact of male pattern baldness is more drastic on younger guys, but older guys suffer a lot too. I know a guy who's 55 y.o., he's a NW7 and he can't stop talking about his bald head.


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Hmm? :whistle:

On topic, I think I'll be just as image obsessed in my 30's/40' as I am now, drop it.


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What a very naive and rather insulting thread. Going bald is tough at any age and 30 is no different.
Other than having more money and stability there's little difference between a 20 year old and a 30 year old.

I still go out clubbing with my mates, I go on many dates (more than I did when I was younger) and I actually look after myself much better.
What makes my male pattern baldness and less distressing than yours?

I like hair and I'll do my best to hang on to it.


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SuperMeh said:

Hmm? :whistle:

On topic, I think I'll be just as image obsessed in my 30's/40' as I am now, drop it.

haha, great scene and hilarious show.

and just in case somebody actually tries to use this/Larry David as an example of bald discrimination...hes worth half a billion dollars at least and is one of the most respected comedians/entertainers in the world. So even if he did experience bald persecution throughout his life...he still did pretty damn well for himself.


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1. I'm single
2. I'm greedy (?)...

It's a strange one. It shouldn't really matter, but the lack of hair does affect my confidence.

Hair does NOT give me confidence, but the lack of hair takes away something from me. I think it's a reminder that I'm not 20 something anymore.

TBH, if I was happily married, or in a long term relationship, things would probably have been very different.


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ermmm so you guys saying it doesnt matter in your 30's, you are still not 30, correct?

How the hell do you know? So many guys over 30 still care about the way they look and get depressed about balding. you do realize that 30's is not that old. You will still care buddy.