If someone is on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) this means that they won't suffer from the low t effects of sprionolactone. That's because they are bringing in exogenous testosterone. More evidence of this is that bodybuilders (who are using exogenous hormones obviously) use spironolactone before their shows, to cut water, and they are still huge and muscular on stage. If they were becoming estrogenic/girls they would lose all of their muscle. Come on guys... very simple observation.
Moreover, if your body is not producing any natural testosterone, spirinolactone cant convert the testosterone to estrogen. This is because spironolactone as i understand it works on the production level, and it will not act to convert the existing (exogenous) testosterone to estrogen because it can't, because again it functions on the production level.
So as far as I understand, men on trt can take spirinolactone without experiencing any ill effects. In fact I've been taking 200mg spironolactone last 2 weeks everyday, and no itchy nipples or estrogen effects and my hair seems to be getting stronger but its too early to say. I have nolva on hand in the case of gynos.
Moreover, if your body is not producing any natural testosterone, spirinolactone cant convert the testosterone to estrogen. This is because spironolactone as i understand it works on the production level, and it will not act to convert the existing (exogenous) testosterone to estrogen because it can't, because again it functions on the production level.
So as far as I understand, men on trt can take spirinolactone without experiencing any ill effects. In fact I've been taking 200mg spironolactone last 2 weeks everyday, and no itchy nipples or estrogen effects and my hair seems to be getting stronger but its too early to say. I have nolva on hand in the case of gynos.