Maybe this has been extensively talked about before on this board so forgive me if my question is redundant, but why did it fail? I remember back in 2002 there was this huge hype about a new drug, dutasteride, that would absolutely trump propecia yielding even better, dramatic results. Even Dr. Washenik was excited about it at that time. But then all of a sudden it disappeared. Why? What went wrong with the trials? Did it even get past phase I? Was it a matter of funding, or was there something seriously wrong with drug? Was it not as effective as once thought or was it very effective but with too many side effects?
I just read something that said dutasteride actually made it to phase III trials for treating male pattern baldness but then for unknown reasons the trials were stopped. Apparently some people speculate that there wouldn't be much profit made from the drug because consumers wouldn't be able to tell the difference between propecia or dutasteride. Is this really the reason do you think? That sounds so silly. I understand the financial reasons, but still...what a shame. If it was really going to be much better than propecia they could have worked on a great adverstising campaign. I think they didn't have enough faith in the consumers.
I just read something that said dutasteride actually made it to phase III trials for treating male pattern baldness but then for unknown reasons the trials were stopped. Apparently some people speculate that there wouldn't be much profit made from the drug because consumers wouldn't be able to tell the difference between propecia or dutasteride. Is this really the reason do you think? That sounds so silly. I understand the financial reasons, but still...what a shame. If it was really going to be much better than propecia they could have worked on a great adverstising campaign. I think they didn't have enough faith in the consumers.