Why did Dutasteride fail in the trials a few years ago?



Maybe this has been extensively talked about before on this board so forgive me if my question is redundant, but why did it fail? I remember back in 2002 there was this huge hype about a new drug, dutasteride, that would absolutely trump propecia yielding even better, dramatic results. Even Dr. Washenik was excited about it at that time. But then all of a sudden it disappeared. Why? What went wrong with the trials? Did it even get past phase I? Was it a matter of funding, or was there something seriously wrong with drug? Was it not as effective as once thought or was it very effective but with too many side effects?


I just read something that said dutasteride actually made it to phase III trials for treating male pattern baldness but then for unknown reasons the trials were stopped. Apparently some people speculate that there wouldn't be much profit made from the drug because consumers wouldn't be able to tell the difference between propecia or dutasteride. Is this really the reason do you think? That sounds so silly. I understand the financial reasons, but still...what a shame. If it was really going to be much better than propecia they could have worked on a great adverstising campaign. I think they didn't have enough faith in the consumers.


Basically all I want to know is how could they discontinue trials on a drug that reduces 95% of DHT? Propecia reduces 70%.Apparently the drug was successful. Do you think they will ever resume trials?

http://www.regrowth.com/hairloss-remedy ... oval_2.cfm

Personally, do you believe dutasteride is more effective than propecia? And btw, do doctors generally prescribe avodart for off label use like hair loss? Or do they generally refuse to do this? Anyone have experience with this?


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Yes it seems rather suspect given the fact that pharma often times decide to market drugs that have much less additional benefit over the predecessor...Of course, the only ones that come to mind at the moment are for more "serious" disorders. (heartless bastards!)

Here's another interesting query though - how about dutasteride as an acne medication for men. I mean they were willing to push accutane (a potentially very dangerous medication that has all kinds of sides). During all of my teen to adult life, I have had moderate to severe acne. Although finasteride increased increased it dramatically (even to places other than my face/forehead), dutasteride has completely obliterated it! Amazing! I believe others on here have reported the same.


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When did it "fail" lol! it is not worth the cost to push it through the trials thats all.


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yeah too similar i guess not that it matters much as were still using it but
would be nice to know some official results


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Renegade said:
Here's another interesting query though - how about dutasteride as an acne medication for men. I mean they were willing to push accutane (a potentially very dangerous medication that has all kinds of sides).

Accutane is potentially dangerous, but pharma had nothing available or in the pipeline that worked as well to treat acne. Pharmaceuticals try to minimize risk when possible.

There are many reasons a pharmaceutical company won't proceed with a drug:

*Afraid of getting into a price war with Merck over Propecia.
*Benefits are not markedly better than a current drug.
*Marketers don't know how to sell it (Glaxo does not have any "lifestyle" drugs)
*They could be using BPE sufferers as guinea pigs for the hair benefits (cynical)
*Risks outweigh the benefits when treating a problem (BPE is certainly more debilitating than male pattern baldness, try not being able to pee!)

First post BTW


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dutasteride did not fail any trials. the last phase was cancelled because it was not considered financially viable, due to the similarities between finasteride and dutasteride. as you mentioned, financial reasons. fda trials are hugely expensive and if profit cannot be guaranteed then why would they continue them? pharma companies are businesses you know.
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i've never seen one study that says thats why that killed it..

Here you have a drug, that that not only does X Y and Z, but also grows hair.. and maybe even better then the current drug on the market.. with no futher R&D cost.


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What about all these stories about people who have had their hairline thinned out by Avodart, myself included. Maybe this occured in the trials or they have some info which wasn't released? I've been searching all the differnt forums and I have seen way more bad dutasteride stories then good ones. That could just because misery loves company, but it seems like anyone who would take avodart/dutasteride probably got some information in one of these forums to begin with.


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i've never seen one study that says thats why that killed it..
Do they do studies on this sort of thing. :lol:

nativeremedies do you know the sort of cost it would take to put dutasteride through the FDA for hairloss!!!
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Feel free to post the receipt.. and i'm sure the cost of a of a already proven drug does not cost the same as new drug..

I have just never heard of a dollar amount for FDA except MILLIONS.
Its a mute point anyways, since no one really knows..

still would like to see the phase 2 results..