Why Do I Need To Use Dht Blocker With My Rogaine?


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I've heard many people tell me I can't just regrow my hair with Rogaine (minoxidil)...
That my hair will continue to fall unless I use a DHT blocker
Some research I read up on says propecia is only for men and to avoid as a woman.
-Can anyone explain why I need a DHT blocker?
-will I have continued shed with Rogaine alone?
-and what can I do to safely prevent more hairloss?

--Doctor says all my hormone levels are normal + thyroid is fine.
Hereditary condition


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Because DHT is always attacking your follicles. Rogaine might win the battle for now but it most likely won't be enough to win the war.


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Rogaine will prolong the anagen phase of your existing hairs and help regrow some of the lost hairs, but they will be thin and weak as your follicles are overwhelmed by the DHT and won't reach long lengths but will give scalp coverage, now when the life span or the anagen phase ends and the hair falls out, it will be replaced by a thinner hair even if you're still using Rogaine religiously. The DHT blocker will help Rogaine regrow thicker hairs and will relieve your existing hairs from the DHT attacks so they'll grow in a healthy manner.


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Finasteride or Dutasteride if you're a male, spironolactone or cyproterone acetate if you're a female, they're all prescription drugs and you should consult a Dr before taking them any ways as they come with side effects


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Finasteride or Dutasteride if you're a male, spironolactone or cyproterone acetate if you're a female, they're all prescription drugs and you should consult a Dr before taking them any ways as they come with side effects
Is nizoral shampoo a good alternative?


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Would a topical DHT blocker suffice? I really do not want to take them orally with all the side effects


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Would a topical DHT blocker suffice? I really do not want to take them orally with all the side effects
Yes a topical one would suffice, but there are studies about topical finasteride, in very low doses it still reaches the bloodstream in a few days, I think dutasteride is absorbed systemically as finasteride does. Spironolactone topical is the safest but it doesn't smell nice, at least for me. You can try topical finasteride or Dutasteride but not every day and use contraceptives with them because they're contraindicated with pregnancy, or just do the topical spironolactone and try to mask the smell or use it on days where you're not going out


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Is nizoral shampoo a good alternative?
Nope, Nizoral is a weak androgen blocker, I've been using it with minoxidil and I'm still having miniaturization and am looking into adding something else to my regimen, but it's good as an auxiliary treatment.


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Yes a topical one would suffice, but there are studies about topical finasteride, in very low doses it still reaches the bloodstream in a few days, I think dutasteride is absorbed systemically as finasteride does. Spironolactone topical is the safest but it doesn't smell nice, at least for me. You can try topical finasteride or Dutasteride but not every day and use contraceptives with them because they're contraindicated with pregnancy, or just do the topical spironolactone and try to mask the smell or use it on days where you're not going out
Thank you for your reply. Where do I get the topical spironolactone? Do I need to get it from my derm? Or online order?

Thanks for you help :)


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Thank you for your reply. Where do I get the topical spironolactone? Do I need to get it from my derm? Or online order?

Thanks for you help :)

The S5 cream is sold here on this website, but there are dermatologists who have it specially formulated and sell them at their clinics, consult your derm and check which one is cheaper and go for the cheaper version because this stuff is for long term use


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The S5 cream is sold here on this website, but there are dermatologists who have it specially formulated and sell them at their clinics, consult your derma and check which one is cheaper and go for the cheaper version because this stuff is for long term use

was glancing at your regimen.

What do you think of MSM?


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was glancing at your regimen.

What do you think of MSM?

I think it has helped me to some extent, I started it on beginning of month 3 of Minoxidil and that's when I started seeing some thick hairs growing out and the number of shed hairs started decreasing gradually, It contributes to healthy hair growth so I think it kind of helps Minoxidil a bit so the state of regrown hairs are better. Why I'm really using it is because I found some websites saying that it prolongs the anagen phase of the hair other than making it healthy, which is what we want. Most of my hair falls after reaching shoulder length and don't grow longer due to the miniaturization process. I stopped it along with my iron for a week and got a bad shed, then jumped back again and the shed is decreasing thank God


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I think it has helped me to some extent, I started it on beginning of month 3 of Minoxidil and that's when I started seeing some thick hairs growing out and the number of shed hairs started decreasing gradually, It contributes to healthy hair growth so I think it kind of helps Minoxidil a bit so the state of regrown hairs are better. Why I'm really using it is because I found some websites saying that it prolongs the anagen phase of the hair other than making it healthy, which is what we want. Most of my hair falls after reaching shoulder length and don't grow longer due to the miniaturization process. I stopped it along with my iron for a week and got a bad shed, then jumped back again and the shed is decreasing thank God

I totally screwed up my iron past few months..take it but not as I am supposed to and I have a bad shed right now of short hairs--I am hoping it is just because I screwed up iron because treatments up until now were going well.
I am supposed to take 4x a day (Dr says) on empty stomach with OJ and I think i got complacent.
I am due for a test the end of the month--its very hard to get my ferritin up and I dont know now if it dropped.
I started at 10 last Spring and got it up to 50 or 60 in winter..my Dr wanted me to get it up to over 70 and keep it there. I have a feeling it dropped to 30 or 40 the past few months.


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I totally screwed up my iron past few months..take it but not as I am supposed to and I have a bad shed right now of short hairs--I am hoping it is just because I screwed up iron because treatments up until now were going well.
I am supposed to take 4x a day (Dr says) on empty stomach with OJ and I think i got complacent.
I am due for a test the end of the month--its very hard to get my ferritin up and I dont know now if it dropped.
I started at 10 last Spring and got it up to 50 or 60 in winter..my Dr wanted me to get it up to over 70 and keep it there. I have a feeling it dropped to 30 or 40 the past few months.
The same happened to me when I stopped taking the pills but I've been back on them for a few days and the shed is slowly improving, most iron pills include vitamin C inside so you don't have to take it with OJ, check the patient leaflet and it will be listed in the excipients if it's there. My doctor recommended iron injections in iv solutions every two weeks 2-3 times to get my ferritin up quickly and then maintain it with a good diet and low dose iron pills. I got mine up from 7 to 33 in 4 months which is quite a long time


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The same happened to me when I stopped taking the pills but I've been back on them for a few days and the shed is slowly improving, most iron pills include vitamin C inside so you don't have to take it with OJ, check the patient leaflet and it will be listed in the excipients if it's there. My doctor recommended iron injections in iv solutions every two weeks 2-3 times to get my ferritin up quickly and then maintain it with a good diet and low dose iron pills. I got mine up from 7 to 33 in 4 months which is quite a long time

once i started taking it with OJ on empty stomach it shot up.
It is just hard to do 4x a day..sometime I just take Vitamind c pill.
nothing else in my iron pill except iron.

I actually tolerate them pretty well its just hard to do 4 times a day on empty stomach like I have to set a timer etc.in daily life it is annoying.

Iron moves up slowly. I have not done infusions...i dont know if my Dr will go that far I can ask him end of the month.


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once i started taking it with OJ on empty stomach it shot up.
It is just hard to do 4x a day..sometime I just take Vitamind c pill.
nothing else in my iron pill except iron.

I actually tolerate them pretty well its just hard to do 4 times a day on empty stomach like I have to set a timer etc.in daily life it is annoying.

Iron moves up slowly. I have not done infusions...i dont know if my Dr will go that far I can ask him end of the month.

Maybe you can find some kind of iron pills that have a high dose so you can take them twice instead of once?


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Maybe you can find some kind of iron pills that have a high dose so you can take them twice instead of once?

Don't know so far i tolerate it the way I am doing it...dont know if higher dose at once (i mean I can take 2 pills if that is the case) is going to be too hard on stomach.