Why Do People Experiment With Advanced Medications Instead Of Just Getting Hair Transplant


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I dont really understand. Do you have to go on finasteride befoee doing hair transplant?


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Hair transplants can be upwards of 7000 dollars or more and insurance does not cover it because it is considered a cosmetic procedure. Not many people have that much discretionary income lying around. Drugs are cheaper. Plus, even after you get a transplant, the non-transplanted hair will still continue to thin so if you don't also use medication it can end up not looking good.


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Hair transplants can be upwards of 7000 dollars or more and insurance does not cover it because it is considered a cosmetic procedure. Not many people have that much discretionary income lying around. Drugs are cheaper. Plus, even after you get a transplant, the non-transplanted hair will still continue to thin so if you don't also use medication it can end up not looking good.

Thank you.

Could you start medication after a hair transplant? Or do you need to have been on it for a while?


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Drugs to maintain, surgery to restore. Plain, and simple.

it's always recommended to utilize medication first, before investing time, and money in a hair transplant. Medication will help stabilize any existing hair loss, and maximize survival.

Having a hair transplant without finasteride is beyond retarded, especially for those who are on the advance scale, and have aggressive loss at an early age. Personally, after my third hair transplant even on medication I still lost few millimeters behind my temples.
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Drugs to maintain, surgery to restore. Plain, and simple.

it's always recommended to utilize medication first, before investing time, and money in a hair transplant. Medication will help stabilize any existing hair loss, and maximize survival.

Having a hair transplant without finasteride is beyond retarded, especially for those who are on the advance scale, and have aggressive loss at an early age. Personally, after my third hair transplant even on medication I still lost few millimeters behind my temples.

Okay thanks i see. Well im pretty new on this. I have since very early had a "mature" hairline. i dont have agressive hairloss in that sense. High templates but thats it and its been so for as long as i remember, even in high school 7-8 years ago Maybe i'll do a new thread about my hair situation