Why do people hide the scar


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I've seen some pictures of scars from fut surgeries and it doesn't seem to look all that bad? Just wondering is the main reason people hide the scars because they look bas or is it more cuz people will recognize the scar and know that you had a hair transplant. Thanks!


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Without wanting to state the obvious, none of us want people to point and shout he's had a hair transplant, and who would? And what scars have you seen, because I can assure you they're not all 'not bad'.


Established Member
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thanks espirit, i guess i just wasnt sure if people would know that the scar was from a hair transplant. like before i started reading up on hair transplants, i had no idea about this scar in the back of your head.


Established Member
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that makes sense dudemon ur right. but wont there also be ppl that notice u have more hair than before. even if they dont notice the scar, how do you convince them that u didnt have a hair transplant