Why does nobody ever mention these products?


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Like everyone else, I am sure I have tried to find just about every viable product on the market, but heres a list of some products I have stumbled upon that never really get a mention. Just curious why this is. If anyone has any information or opinions on any of them please share.

TRX2 - ( I know its a european based drug, but I never hear anyone talking about it on these forums. Is it BS? )

POLARIS LABS - ( has recently released a 16% minoxidil along with other various combos, looks like a quality company )

MIN NEW YORK - ( has a great reputation in general, but never hear much about hairloss products. Ingredients look very modern )

HAIRCHI - (Has a set of very good ingredients, some that can't be found in any other products, never heard a word about this)

FORMULA 82m - ( supposedly one of the most advanced minoxidil formulas to date )


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They've been posted about before..except maybe the last one. I know some have even posted about using some of them...although maybe not recently.


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Came across this stuff and noticed it's been posted about before. I'm even more surprised now that it isn't talked about much. Except that some of these before/afters are a bit hard to believe: http://hairsciencellc.com/results.asp

Contains " a natural 5 alpha reductase blocking agent, oleanolic acid"...so there's yet another FFFA product.


n the most exhaustive and technically comprehensive study performed by any physician to date on the use of Formula 82M, a non-invasive application for the topical treatment of androgenetic alopecia – (hereditary male and female pattern hair loss), has been completed by Dr. Alan Bauman, Medical Director of Bauman Medical Group (BMG) http://www.BaumanMedical.com. The results of Dr. Bauman’s nearly two-year retrospective study are being released to the medical community and his hair transplant surgeon colleagues at the 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery to be held October 17th – 20th in Grand Cayman, Bahamas.

Better than nothing..like you-know-who..right? :dunno:


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Except there's no testimonials on these sites of anyone using it.

Hazardous to ones health? Well some are bothered by minoxidil...