Why does thinning hair look thinner in profile view?


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So I am somewhere between a NW2 and 3 (though I think most people here would consider me a NW3, though I am not as recessed as a true NW3) but I also have diffusion going on. It's not like you can see right down to the scalp, but the hair at the forelock feels quite a bit thinner than the hair at the sides and crown, almost as if the hair strands themselves are also physically thinner. From the front though the hair looks like it has mostly normal volume like the rest of my hair (still have obvious recession tho).

But then in profile view, mostly in photos as well, the hair at the forelock often just looks flat and thin, like there's no volume at all, which pisses me tf off since it contrasts with the thick voluminous sides. But this effect isn't as apparent when viewed from the front, as I mentioned above.

I've seen this effect on other people with thinning hair as well. Even in people whom are thinning really badly as well, their hair still looks more voluminous from the front than from the side.

Why is that? What is the "science" behind all this?

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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On profile there's no coversge from the back hairs like you have when looking at the front. Só, If the hairs are thin you gonna notice because there's less volume. Under harsh light is even more notociable.


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For the severely thinning example, I feel like Bill Murray kinda has what I'm talking about going on:


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On profile there's no coversge from the back hairs like you have when looking at the front. Só, If the hairs are thin you gonna notice because there's less volume. Under harsh light is even more notociable.
That makes alot of sense actually


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I realized my own hair. It looks perfect from the front or top If combed properly. But when I comb It upwards you see its Very thin.
Same here, when my hair is down with some hair gel and ruffled around abit to create some texture it looks ok, kinda like this guy's hair:

But then when run my hands through the forelock, it just looks thin and sickly and decaying and dying. Urgh, I hate this POS condition. And I'm not even 20 years old rip.