Why is Propecia over price?


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When I started to take propecia over one year ago the price of a month was $55. That's cheaper than most places today and I got that from my tranplanet doctor. But now the price have drive up to $65. Over $2 a day for one pill. When I look online I see Proscar which Propecia but in 5MG and for 30 pills is $100. But if you cut it in to 4 you get around $25 a month and there made by Marck. Why the hell are Propecia more than double the price of there same pill but in bigger amount. Do they do it just because people will send the money on it?

I would start using proscar but don't truth the online stores that much. I do get Nizoral 2% but it's not the most important thing for keeping my hair.

The shedder

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And your Doctor may not even know about it so he may just write you a script for Propecia because proscar is used for the treatment of swollen prostate.


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Pure 100% profiteering or as Cassin aptly put it


Its simple. Merck developed Proscar to treat a prostate condition and noticed by chance that some of the balding recipients where as a side effect re-growing their hair (or atleast loosing no more). So realising the potential market for such a sensitive & needy condition developed Propecia at 4-5 times the price to cash in on our suffering..... But don't tell Deaner... :wink:

too bald too furious

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If everyone got educated about Proscar from HairLossTalk.com or other similar helpful sites, then everyone would start buying proscar. In that case, the day is not far that the price of proscar might also rise. I hope not, as i will soon start off with proscar. :roll:


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mrlestat said:
Its simple. Merck developed Proscar to treat a prostate condition and noticed by chance that some of the balding recipients where as a side effect re-growing their hair (or atleast loosing no more). So realising the potential market for such a sensitive & needy condition developed Propecia at 4-5 times the price to cash in on our suffering.....

Nope. You've just repeated the greatest Urban Myth in the entire hairloss field!

In NO WAY was finasteride for hairloss any kind of accidental discovery. Merck knew all about the potential use of 5a-reductase inhibitors for hairloss even before finasteride was synthesized in their laboratories for the very first time.



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Bryan said:
mrlestat said:
Its simple. Merck developed Proscar to treat a prostate condition and noticed by chance that some of the balding recipients where as a side effect re-growing their hair (or atleast loosing no more). So realising the potential market for such a sensitive & needy condition developed Propecia at 4-5 times the price to cash in on our suffering.....

Nope. You've just repeated the greatest Urban Myth in the entire hairloss field!

In NO WAY was finasteride for hairloss any kind of accidental discovery. Merck knew all about the potential use of 5a-reductase inhibitors for hairloss even before finasteride was synthesized in their laboratories for the very first time.


so Bryan are you saying that merck where looking for a way to fight hairloss when the invented finasteride????


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Yes. They knew about ALL the possible uses, including BPH, male pattern baldness, hirsutism, and acne.



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History of Finasteride
Finasteride has been on the market as a pharmaceutical for many years. It has been used in the treatment and reduction of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It has been marketed under the trade name of Proscar by it's manufacturer and developer Merck & Co. Doctors and patients began to notice quite an exciting side effect of Proscar, it grew hair, real terminal hair on bald man's heads. This lead to the clinical studies and trials that would bring finasteride to the market December 22, 1997 as the first FDA approved pill for hair loss, Propecia.

:roll: So many conflicting reports?? If merck new of finasterides potential for the treatment of hairloss, and the hundreds of millions that would come with such a product why did they develop Proscar first and then wait several years to release Propecia, seems odd??


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mrlestat said:
:roll: So many conflicting reports??

Just goes to show you: instead of listening to Spencer Kobren, listen to someone who knows what the hell he's talking about! :D

mrlestat said:
If merck new of finasterides potential for the treatment of hairloss, and the hundreds of millions that would come with such a product why did they develop Proscar first and then wait several years to release Propecia, seems odd??

Oh, I dunno... They had to start SOMEWHERE, and my guess is that they simply decided to start with the more serious medical condition of BPH. They knew that there was some possibility of side-effects, and I bet they wanted to see how things went for a few years with Proscar users before moving on to a cosmetic condition like hairloss.
