Why is there no information ANYWHERE on this topic...


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I try to find out, from time to time, whether or not scratching your scalp can actually cause permanent long-term damage to it, resulting in hairloss or hair thinning. I mean, the follicle is buried deep beneath the scalp (so scratching can't directly inflict damage to it and stop it from creating a hair), and it would take a helluva scratch to cause a scar that would impede growth (as we know scars on the scalp make it impossible for hair to surface)

So basically, logic tells me that scratching can't really do a whole lot besides cause irritation and the like, but I still can't find a definitive answer on this. It would be nice, if anybody so happens to know about this, to put this topic to rest once and for all.

Thanks for any responses guys.


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I would say that scratching your head is okay so long as you don't get carried away. I mean, we "scratch" our heads when we wash them by scrubbing the scalp, so I'm sure it's fine.


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Hey, I'm a Senior Poster now. Do I get a Senior Citizen's discount at "le store"?


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Well, pretty sure I have some form of OCD when it comes to combing my hair (a recent development, last month or two), and I comb my hair with a fine toothed comb for a while each day partly because it feels so good, and partly because it deflakes my head, but I feel like I gotta stop or I'm gonna do some permanent damage or something. It never hurts, just tingles, and I'm never really really rough, just sorta surface scratching, but I gotta cut it out. My hair's starting to look so good, and I'm afraid I'm ruining some potential regrowth in the process.


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Since you're doing it with a fine-toothed comb then I would definately stop. Perhaps you could try using T/Sal 3 x a week. It's great for removing scale and it will help increase absorbtion of nizoral or any other topicals you may use.


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Well, I thought fine toothed combs were just bad for BREAKING the hair, but not damaging anything else. I can certainly understand hair breakage from what I'm doing, which isn't as big a concern as destroying the hair from the source or stopping its growth entirely y'know? I definitely know about combing your hair with a fine-toothed while it's wet and everything too.


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are you concerned about it breaking your nails, too? Or how about your eyelashes? You wouldn't want to miss your head and break an eyelash with your fine-toothed comb, like, oh my god, that would look like, sooooo awful, you know...


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Rawbbie if you have nothing useful to add to this thread then you should not post at all! I cannot understand people who go through the trouble of posting just to bring somebody's subject down!

sad really....I have neighbors like that...sad....


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Rawbbie said:
are you concerned about it breaking your nails, too? Or how about your eyelashes? You wouldn't want to miss your head and break an eyelash with your fine-toothed comb, like, oh my god, that would look like, sooooo awful, you know...



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social_drinker said:
[quote="Sir Elton John":a8ef5]

"Caaaaaaaaaaan you feeeeeeeeeelll the looooooooooove toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...."

LOL!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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lol c'mon guys, he's asking questions about a fine-toothed comb breaking off our hairs or somehow accelrating our hairloss. Or how scratching our hairs could permanently damage our hair follicles, lol

Isn't this grasping at straws? I mean, our hair follicles are, what- 1/100000 the size of a pin head? Does anyone really believe that scratching your head for an itch is going to ruin a hair follicle or two? Do scientists spend their time and money researching if scratching your scalp will destroy your hairs? Or do they spend their time researching a cure for male pattern baldness?

What about an itch on your arm? Are you sure you should itch it? You might damage a few skin cells or something and then woah, you're really in trouble

Again I apologize for not being mr. polite with you sensitive dudes but this question is just outrageous

But as they say, there's no such thing as a stupid question and I do agree with that. These questions just keep whacking us without warning out of left field all the time though

Personally, I would say that scratching your head will not damage your hair follicles. We all have itches on our body and it's a normal human reaction/function to itch it. I highly doubt that if you scratched your head for nineteen years straight that you would be left with no hair. In other words, keep scratching your head.

And if that still doesn't convince you, THEN STOP SCRATCHING YOUR HEAD !!!!!


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And I'm NOT trying to find other excuses for my hairloss, I know I have male pattern baldness, and I know I'm taking Propecia for a reason. I was more or less wondering if scratching would damage the scalp enough to maybe form small scars and such, cuz we all know that while scratching your scalp won't destroy follicles as they're buried beneath the surface, scars stop hairgrowth in that area.


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Deaner said:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

I think Trichotolomia (or so) falls into this category. If you just *massage* your head with a comb that should be no problem at all in my opinion.

Old Baldy

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Scratching the itch won't hurt the follicle IMHO. But what's causing the itch could spell trouble.