Why the F*%& am I Shedding so Much!!!


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Why the F*%& am I Shedding so Much!!!

This is my second post after being a frequent reader on this forum but I'm tripping hard about my current shed. I have to point out that I've been avoiding taking finasteride and minoxidil and using natural supplments such as Vitamin D, Stinging Nettle, B Complex, Ginkgo Biloba, Pumpkin Seed Oil and ZMA.

Since about the start of June I noticed an increase in shedding. Around this same time I started taking a B-Complex vitamin and added Pygeum to the mix. I upped my Saw Palmetto from 160 mg to 500 mg but dropped it thinking it might be the culprit to the huge shed. I also switch from Lipogaine Big 3 shampoo to Regenepure Dr (I had 50 hairs on my pillow the day after I used Regenepure where I normally had 6-10, although the shed started way before this). That's where I've really noticed a difference in my shed. Crazy amount of hairs on my pillow. This was a non-issue before but now it's just getting ridiculous. A couple days in the last week I've had 20-30 but today I had another 50+ shed and decided to actually get involved on this forum.

I've also been using Nizoral 2% once a week along with my Regenepure Dr once a week (Natural shampoo called Herbal Glo on the off days. I'm starting to think that I might be having a bad scalp reaction the nizoral considering it doesn't really solve my scalp issues (inflammed scalp, flakes, sebum, small red bumps along hairline) but could possibly be trigerring them.

Any advice or insight on this issue? I understand that I should probably be on minoxidil and Propecia but I'm nervous about the sexual side effects and minoxidil seems like a pain in the *** and a little risky in terms of shedding and possibly being a non-responder.

Notes: I'm 25, been diffusely thinning since about 23 (at least I noticed it around that age).

- - - Updated - - -

On top of this I just ran my hand through my top hair and my hand was COVERED in hair. 12 hairs at least. I love panicking just makes me feel awesome:2gunsfiring_v1::firing:


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Your still shedding because you are not on anything that is capable of stopping your hairloss. male pattern baldness is advancing.

Start finasteride + minoxidil or just finasteride


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I doubt I'll go the minoxidil route but finasteride is definitely a possibility. I just don't want to **** up my dick and brain with it. I've been thinking of doing 0.25mg EOD or every third day hoping that'd minimize the effects.


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Here is the report on sides from the FDA itself for finasteride/propecia. Sides are never permanent, as shown by comparison with placebo groups. The risk of starting propecia/finasteride compared to benefits is extremely low


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Hmm the numbers do look promising, but aren't these tests conducted by the very same people behind the making of the drug (Merk or some ****). If I was them I'd definitely try and manipulate the testing as much as possible to minimize the potential side effects in the subject group, but that's just me. I went to my doctor the other day concerned about my hair and he gave the pull test (he said 4 hairs but I swear there were 6 or 7 in his hand) and said I should be good. He said by the looks I wouldn't go bald till much later. I asked about Propecia and he said that generally people who he's given it to at my age do not like the side effects at all. The way he made it seem is that everyone he's given it to have had the negative side effects that according to the test are highly unlikely.

That being said, I still think it's possible to minimize the side effects by taking natural or pharmaceutical anti-estrogens. On top of that keep testosterone as high as possible. Do you have any idea what would happen if I blocked DHT through finasteride and blocked the conversion to estrogen as well?


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Hmm the numbers do look promising, but aren't these tests conducted by the very same people behind the making of the drug (Merk or some ****). If I was them I'd definitely try and manipulate the testing as much as possible to minimize the potential side effects in the subject group, but that's just me. I went to my doctor the other day concerned about my hair and he gave the pull test (he said 4 hairs but I swear there were 6 or 7 in his hand) and said I should be good. He said by the looks I wouldn't go bald till much later. I asked about Propecia and he said that generally people who he's given it to at my age do not like the side effects at all. The way he made it seem is that everyone he's given it to have had the negative side effects that according to the test are highly unlikely.

That being said, I still think it's possible to minimize the side effects by taking natural or pharmaceutical anti-estrogens. On top of that keep testosterone as high as possible. Do you have any idea what would happen if I blocked DHT through finasteride and blocked the conversion to estrogen as well?

The study was done by the FDA. They are like one of the most reputable beauracratic organization in existence. Honestly sides are too rare don't bother regulating your estrogen, if you do get sides, then start the estrogen stuff.


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From my personal experience, I can definitely tell you that some retarded shampoos/conditioners out in the market can accelerate hair loss. I have never tried Regenpure, but I've tried something that's similar to Regenpure, which triggered massive shedding.


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What shampoo did you try? Shedding is such a double edged sword, you might be shedding just so healthier hairs can come in but how the hell can you really know.


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How common is shedding of horse shoe pattern while on finasteride and dutasteride ? Can hair from back and sides of the head which is apparently not susceptible to balding become more thicker ?


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What shampoo did you try? Shedding is such a double edged sword, you might be shedding just so healthier hairs can come in but how the hell can you really know.

I used a conditioner actually, which contains butt loads of chemicals that make hair loss worse. The company name was Ultrax Labs, conditioner name was Hair Surge. I don't recommend any of their products.


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Interesting. Sometimes I wonder if shampoos like Regenepure are just overkill with its ingredients. It has quite a few more then Lipogaine Big 3 which I'm using now. What's your shampoo regime now dehoha?


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Well, I haven't had much success with shampoo actually. My scalp is very oily, which is confirmed by checking with digital microscope weekly for oil buildup. One hair stylist told me he's never seen a hair with so much oil in his life LOL. To account for this, I need a shampoo that can remove oil effectively, yet not harsh on my scalp. Of course, I have not seen a single product on market that can do this yet.

I was using some Korean hair loss specific shampoo for a while, but recently switched to Kerastase Specifique Bain Stimuliste Shampoo. It seems like a decent shampoo. However, all ingredients aren't natural and it does contain SLS. On the other hand, I do agree that shampoo like Regenpure or Revita can be an overkill. I've never used Lipogaine Big 3, so I can't comment on that.