Well said, those are valid points and I’m aware of them. Regarding the neck tension, it aggravates the issue but it certainly doesn’t cause it. I don’t know why you said my view on cranial pressure is wrong because we say the same thing. Pretty much the take on it is that fusion is incorrect, as the scalp grows it grows faulty, pressure and pressure is built, child then enters puberty where DHT manifests into the executioner precisely because of that pressure. People misinterpret a giant head or an alien shaped head with hair as the weapon that brings this theory down. Wrong. The shape and size doesn’t matter at all, it’s how the fusion occurs and to see that we need a CT scan (I m not even sure if a CT scan can be adequate proof, it will surely show some evidence tho). So a head may be small and not in such an obvious triangular shape but on the CT scan you’ll see it. There is a lot to be discussed about this surely. For example all balding (again talking about actual Androgenetic Alopecia cases) folks I know claim that the little bone protruding in the back of the scalp is different than those who don’t suffer from it (go figure). Anyway, about the estrogen thing, estrogen won’t do sh*t unless you tank T. And I mean completely (consequently ofc DHT also tanks). It’s a known thing to transitioning cases (I know a few personally), who were balding. And I think we are both smart so we know I’m talking about escorts (most transitioning cases escort). Anyway, one of them (fully passive) losing hair went the full route and restored it all (except for the sides which never recover fully). The other one took propecia and estrogen (keeping her T levels up tho with cycling the meds because... she must perform, if u get my point) and she didn’t keep the hair (in fact “she” did hair transplants too which failed and wears a wig).
I truly believe an actual cure won’t be found, in fact I think it won’t ever be found because its root goes so deep that it’s almost impossible (unless we start breaking the heads of infants). I’m sure new things may arise in a decade or so to camouflage bald heads, perhaps new wigs too. I genuinely am fine because i rock the Mike Thurston look and honestly I m here for the chit chat once a week.
It just infuriates me sometimes when I read sh1t about future treatments and the false hope these lunatics give to the average bald joe.
As far as mechanical tension in the neck goes, it’s a b**ch, prolonged phone use will cause the straightening of the said area (which is hard af to reverse with foam rollers etc). Take great care of it, strengthen your core (to avoid using upper traps for stabilization and gym movements). And if you need relief, take half a Mesulid pill (anti inflammatory, harsh but miraculous).
@Ollie didn’t even read
@Mitko1 edit: I once Thought the neck diameter compared to the skull (the back of it, the point where the neck does this curve as skull begins) might be a variable to determine what we talk about but believe me I’ve seen enough folks who rock the same thin neck - football skull phenomenon and their hair is solid.