Why use dutasteride AND finasteride?


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I noticed a few of you guys are doing this. Why have you chosen to do this as opposed to just taking dutasteride?


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Well I have noticed this too. Although it seems like an overkill in the long run, it may make sense in the beginning of the switch from finasteride to Dutas.
According to some surveys it takes about a week for Dutas to take effect. After a week it the DHT suppresion should surpass finasteride. So it would make sense to continue finasteride for the first week of Dutas in order to avoid a shed due to the week of low DHT surpresion.
Check out the chart below for further information.

However some people believe that taking finasteride along with Dutas should decrease the changes of getting the big sheds which Dutas is known to give you.

I don't know, doesn't really make any logic sense to me after the first week...


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it's more affective at stoping the creation of DHT, but on the other hand it os also more effective in dveloping side effects


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Buffboy said:
According to some surveys it takes about a week for Dutas to take effect. After a week it the DHT suppresion should surpass finasteride.

That is absolutely, positively UNTRUE. According to the graphs in the Gisleskog studies from which I've been quoting for the last couple of years, it looks like DHT levels will be roughly the same as with Propecia after only the first day of taking Avodart. And even lower after TWO days!
