Why you should use antioxidants with Arginine.



Finally dug up the reason why it is recomended that users of Arginine take antioxidants at the same time.

email response (after 8 months!!) from L.E.F

Hello Ty,

Yes, I am sorry it took so long. Arginine can increase nitric oxide
which in turn can become a pro-oxidant. This is why antioxidants are

LEF Email Advisor

there you go!


my regime

Proscar 1.25mg
minoxidil 5% morning and evening
Nizoral shampoo every 3 days

L-Lysine 3g taken on empty stomach (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
L-Carnitine 1g taken on empty stomach (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg daily
Ginkgo 6000mg daily (120mg extract)
Biotin 3mg daily (spread through the day)
MSM lignisul 6000mg daily (spread through the day)
Vitamin C 3000mg (esther C) (spread through the day)
Vitamin E 1000 iu daily
Multivitamin Solgar Formula VM75
Multiminiral Solgar Pure Amino Acid Chelated
Green Tea 3-5 cups daily
Cod Liver Oil 1000mg daily
Resveratrol 250 mg daily

L-Arginine (taken with antioxidant) 3g taken on empty stomach before bed (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
L-Ornithine 3g taken on empty stomach before bed (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
Meltatonin 3 mg before bed (cycled 3 days on 3 days off)

one hundred brown onions (topical)
sex with the neighbours
half an hour of dog baiting (cycled 3 days on 3 days off)
35 minutes 'mind games' with the guy in the chemist shop
lashings of hot custard 2 x daily (topical)
bible study (daily)
cussin' (daily)
starring in the mirror convincing myself that I can see new velus hair that has aways been there but never noticed (2/3 hours) (daily)
sacrifice to various hair gods (chicken 2 x daily)
hair poetry (2 sonnets daily)
homemade cat hair and wood glue mix (topical)
5 bum onions (suppository bulb vegatable)


Well smack my hairy *** daddy! Guess i should continue with Mr. Antioxidant then. :lol:

Doesent minoxidil increase nitric oxide as well? Im sure thats partly somewhat in a way kinda how it works perhaps.

BTW what do you think about taking Arginine and Orthinine together?

Mucho examplo hombre:

http://www.puritan.com/pages/file.asp?x ... D=152&np=0



Arginine and Orthinine thems are good together isnt it.
also Arg 2 / Orth 1 ratio is good.


Linda is my contact at the Life Extension Foundation, now that I have my info I may have to have her wacked.


my regime

Proscar 1.25mg
minoxidil 5% morning and evening
Nizoral shampoo every 3 days

L-Lysine 3g taken on empty stomach (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
L-Carnitine 1g taken on empty stomach (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg daily
Ginkgo 6000mg daily (120mg extract)
Biotin 3mg daily (spread through the day)
MSM lignisul 6000mg daily (spread through the day)
Vitamin C 3000mg (esther C) (spread through the day)
Vitamin E 1000 iu daily
Multivitamin Solgar Formula VM75
Multiminiral Solgar Pure Amino Acid Chelated
Green Tea 3-5 cups daily
Cod Liver Oil 1000mg daily
Resveratrol 250 mg daily

L-Arginine (taken with antioxidant) 3g taken on empty stomach before bed (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
L-Ornithine 3g taken on empty stomach before bed (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
Meltatonin 3 mg before bed (cycled 3 days on 3 days off)

cake, cake I must eat cake.


New Member
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I have been taking GNC's Mega Man vitamins, is that a good source of antioxidants? If not can someone please educate me on what they are and what I should take.


rahezy said:
I have been taking GNC's Mega Man vitamins, is that a good source of antioxidants? If not can someone please educate me on what they are and what I should take.

get yer reading glasses 'round this lot. :freaked:

Any substances that prevent or impede cell oxidation (destruction) by free radicals, etc.

An antioxidant refers to a compound or enzyme that prevents or retards the oxidation of sensitive molecules found in the body or in foods. Antioxidants occur in many foods as nutrients or non-nutrients, or as synthetic additives. Antioxidants typically block oxidation by preventing damage caused by free radicals, extremely reactive forms of oxygen and other molecules that lack an electron and tear electrons from molecules they meet. In the body likely targets include DNA, proteins, and lipids (unsaturated fatty acids). Free radical damage may contribute to cancer, heart disease, and aging. New scientific studies indicate that consumption of antioxidant-rich food such as whole plant foods is an effective way to fight cancer, heart disease, and aging. Back to Top

substances produced by the body which counteract the effects of free radicals. Present in dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, and may also be acquired through supplements such as Vitamins C, E, and carotenoids, including beta-carotene. For more information, go to the MD Support Library.

Vitamins A, C and E, along with various minerals, which are useful to protect the body from “free radicalsâ€. Free radicals are unstable cells, which react with each, naturally created in the body, and also caused by factors such as smoking and radiation. Free radicals may cause cell damage, which leads to disease.

Substances such as Vitamins A, C and E and minerals such as copper, magnesium and zinc. Believed to destroy free radicals, which some scientists think may not only accelerate aging but also contribute to the formation of cancers and cataracts.

are a group of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that help protect the body from forming free radicals. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that can damage the cells, impairing the immune system and leading to infections and various degenerative diseases. Examples of antioxidants: Vitamins A, C, and E, Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA), selenium to name a few.

Substances that have the ability to inactivate harmful FREE RADICALS. There is growing scientific evidence that a diet high in antioxidants may protect against certain chronic diseases, such as cancer, coronary heart disease, and cataracts. Substances in food with antioxidant activity that are not vitamins or minerals are sometimes referred to as PHYTOCHEMICALS. LYCOPENE is an example of a phytochemical in tomatoes with potent antioxidant activity.

Chemical compounds that absorb or scavenge free radicals in the body, preventing them from oxidizing harmfully with other molecules. Valued as vital protectors against cancers and coronary heart disease. Examples: Vitamins C and E, Beta-Carotene, and the minerals Selenium and Zinc.

Substances that protect the cells of the body from damage due to free radicals. Certain vitamins and minerals are active antioxidants; many are provided by dietary sources such as fruits and vegetables.
http://www.remaininghealthy.com/womens_ ... _terms.htm

General label for vitamins, enzymes and minerals that may help prevent damage to the body caused by oxygen free radicals, harmful by-products produced during normal metabolism. Some evidence suggests that antioxidants may be beneficial for arthritis, cancer, blood vessel disorders, inflammation, allergies, heart disease, blood pressure, gum disease, eye problems, lung and nervous system problems and skin care. Many over-the- counter vitamins now contain antioxidants, including some formulated especially for the eye. Commonly recognized antioxidants include vitamins A, C and E, and yellow-colored carotenoids such as beta-carotene.
http://www.visionrx.com/library/diction ... nary_a.asp

Agents that help prevent cancer by reducing oxidative stress and damage to DNA caused by oxygen radicals in the body.

Micro-nutrients that destroy or neutralize free radicals.

Materials which when added to a flexible polyurethane foam formulation improve the resistance of the foam to oxidative type reactions, such as scorch resulting from high exothermic temperatures.

Substances in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds that can help prevent or slow build up of cholesterol and other fat-like substances in the arteries. Vitamins C and E and beta-carotene are all antioxidants that help protect against heart disease.

Certain vitamins that can reduce oxidation in humans and helps in preventing cataracts.

Antioxidants are vital for reversing free radicals - impure oxygen compounds which are produced by the body's metabolism, tampering with DNA, challenging the immune system and accelerating the visible signs of ageing. Free radicals can result from inner city living, exposure to radiation and pollution, and consumption of alcohol or unsaturated fats. Selenium, pine bark, grapeseed extract and Vitamins A, C and E all have antioxidant properties.

micronutrients which destroy or neutralize free radicals, molecules which have been implicated as one causative factor in the stimulation of abnormal cellular reproduction (cancer) and cellular destruction (aging).

Reactive compounds that neutralize destructive free radicals. Glutathione and other antioxidant enzymes are made by the body. Vitamins A, C, and E are antioxidants found in food.

substances capable of counter acting the damaging effects of oxygen in the tissues.
http://www.health.qld.gov.au/diabetes_c ... ary_a.html

Skin conditioning agents that prevent oxidation and protect the skin from nature's drying elements.

substances that protect cells from being damaged by oxidation.

Vitamins such as A, C, and E, which counter-act against the harm inflicted on body cells by "free-radicals" in the polluted air, such as smog, or cigarette smoke.

Chemicals that protect against oxidation, which causes rancidity in fats and damage to DNA.

– A group of compounds that help to protect the body from the formation and elimination of free-radicals. Free-radicals are formed from exposure to sunlight and pollution and also as a byproduct of cell metabolism. Alcohol, cigarette smoke, stress and even diet also affect the level of free-radical development in the body. Excellent antioxidants include Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, zinc, selenium, ginkgo biloba, grape seed extract, and green tea extract.
http://www.vitamedica.com/Nutrition%20L ... ssary.html

Includes vitamins C, E, Beta-carotene, which help reduce risk of coronary heart disease and other health problems.