Will a 2-week Proscar drought matter?


Established Member
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I dont think anyone here can say for sure,but it might set you back a bit or give you a bad shead


seen this thread bumping around so I will give you my highly un-scientific opinions.

I doubt it very much, DHT levels will take a while to re-establish, maybe a few days or it might even be week or two (someone correct me here if I am out the time scale) but DHT won't suddenly return to pre-propecia levels instantly.

And even when it does, it just means your scalp is exposed to DHT for a week or so, which in the time scale of hairloss ain't too long.

Given the choice of dropping minoxidil or propecia for a coupe of weeks I would definately be happier dropping the propecia as I am sure this would not do too much harm in the long run.

If you find yourself running low on propecia, you could start micro doseing your last few magic hair pills to spread to stuff out till your new batch arrives

good luck



Hey man give man an adress and I will send you a couple of proscars.


nesta said:
Hey man give man an adress and I will send you a couple of proscars.

good idea! if you are desperate or have been fucked around by shipping/postal service get someone here to send you a pair of proscars, you can stretch these out to two weeks with the right knife work.


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Two points I want to reinforce:

1) The previous poster was correct: it takes up to a week or two for DHT levels to get all the way back to "normal", so I doubt that being without finasteride for two or three weeks will be much of a problem.

2) You screwed-up BIG TIME when you continued to use the same daily dosage, when you first realized that you were going to run out! You should have IMMEDIATELY started stretching it out by cutting the pills into halves or quarters, taking them every other day, etc. etc., and it would have had virtually no impact whatsoever on how well the drug was working for you. If you had done that, you wouldn't be left now with no finasteride at all to take!



Bryan said:
Two points I want to reinforce:

1) The previous poster was correct: it takes up to a week or two for DHT levels to get all the way back to "normal", so I doubt that being without finasteride for two or three weeks will be much of a problem.

2) You screwed-up BIG TIME when you continued to use the same daily dosage, when you first realized that you were going to run out! You should have IMMEDIATELY started stretching it out by cutting the pills into halves or quarters, taking them every other day, etc. etc., and it would have had virtually no impact whatsoever on how well the drug was working for you. If you had done that, you wouldn't be left now with no finasteride at all to take!


:freaked2: :freaked2:


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Kyriakin said:
9 Elmbank Avenue
Englefield Green
TW20 0TQ

Any English types, I'll post 2 or 3 back when I get my order through.....finally.....


If I still used Proscar I'd help you out, sorry. Just out of interest, could you tell me what time your house is empty, whether you have a security system/guard dog and if the back door is overlooked by any neighbours?


Hey Man!

Just came home from out of town (went to gothenborg for a couple of days and that´s where I read your post).

I will send you a couple tomorrow (that´s wednesday).,


nesta is Gothenborg in Sweden or Norway or some place like that?

If so, I can post a couple of Proscar to Kyriakin tommorow as he will get
them faster, tell me if you have already posted or not.

Kyriakin I can't put Kyriakin on the envelope! Thats not your real name (is it?) Nobody who lives in Surrey is called Kyriakin!!!



Hey Ty. Gothenborg is in sweden, I live in sweden. I just woke up and I was planning on mailing them on my way to the gym - that´s like ni 3 hours or at five in the afternoon (they pick up the mail at six).