Will all RU users please stand up


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I'll start this off. Diffuse user here, slight receder. Im 6 weeks into RU usage from FE(im also on propecia/21 months). Because my head is buzzed, I dont notice much shedding anyway, but within a few days of usage, it dropped to virtually 0. Hair also appears more lively by the 1 week mark. It stood more firmly, seems healthier. By week 3, some hairs along the hairline became terminal and "some" hairs behind the hairline have gotten thicker. Definitely not at the point where I can grow my hair out comfortable without the thinning being noticeable. I'm 30 and have been thinning since about 23, so I cant honestly expect all the thinning to be reversed in 6 weeks. As I said, I have pretty much full coverage, just need RU to continue to thicken my hair, and I'm hoping it continues. If it does, the cost and time of applying RU will obviously be justified. I use about 80mg/day, tho my scale sucks so it's somewhat difficult to tell.

I'm hoping all users from the group FE buy and/or Kouting users start posting their experience, and if you have pics, even better. There are a few on hairlosshelp.com that have been, but still very few given how many people were in the group buy. C'mon guys, whatsup?!?!


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Im about half way through week 2 on RU (from Kouting), i too have noticed the hair `apearing` to be healthier, i quit propecia as it f***ed my hair up, started diffuse thinning all over pretty bad at about 6 weeks, but stuck with it as thats what you read quite often. its now been a month off propecia and can feel less scalp when i run my fingers through my hair, the top is still a lil thin but even that `feels` better, ive only really been using the RU on the top of my head, the hairline, and temples. Iv'e noticed a drastic decrease in shedding from the hair line and temples also.

Now, again if Propecia was causing the hair to fall out, like with Telogen Effluvium, then some degree of `regrowth` may just be because of quitting propecia. (i was also getting quite a few other sides from propecia). However my hair does seem to have improved greatly since starting RU, in terms of how healthy it looks, and it feels stronger. It's still early days yet though.

One thing ive noticed since starting RU is that the ends of both my little fingers have become very VERY dry, and skin is flaking and peeling off them. im using a mix of PG + 95% Vodka. There could be other causes for the dry skin apart from RU, i probobly drink alot more then i should and *LOVE* vodka, a lil bit too much... :p However i'm not drinking this 95% stuff, it's just not good.

I am also going to try using a derma roller on just one side of my hairline, too see how much of a difference that makes. Should be an interesting test, and my hairline is slightly worse on my left side for some reason. I've read a very interesting thread on Skin Needling, and figured it couldnt hurt to try it.



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thx Karl. Are you exhibiting similar hairloss to irishpride? He lost ground due to propecia as well.

For those that have seen success on RU, Im still not sure when people first noticed visual affects and what period they saw their best results. As I said, Im on week 6 now and Im really hoping for some quality gains in the next month or 2.


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there is an older thread on RU you could use it, it is good to keep similar posts in one thread. Easier to compare too. So I am going to write my experience with RU there now.


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i think because of how much is involved with getting the product and making it will deter your basic hair loss suffer, i'm on the fence as I currently use flutamide which comes in a ready packed spray and it is doing ok, but I like the results people have been seeing with RU. I am more less out of flutamide and at re-order point so will look at the equipment required for mixing RU and posssibly give it a go


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Hey 5minabs,

Thanks for the review.update. I notice in your regimen signature you say you use 40mg of RU ED. But in your post you say you have been using 80mg per day.

Did you increase your dose, or was that 40mg in your regimen sigature 40mg AM and 40mg PM?


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I really can't see how you'd be able to see any results in a few weeks. I'm about to start RU when my scales finally arrive. I'll let you know how it works out for me.


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Good catch blaze. I need to actually change my regimen. I used 40mg for the first month, but el_dut mentioned he uses around 25mg, but only for his hairline(I'm diffuse all over, so I need more coverage). So I've upped the dosage to 80mg beginning week 5.

For those believing the RU application is a lot of work, it really isn't. The only somewhat time consuming piece is measuring out your daily doses, whether its for 1 month or 2, and wrapping it in tin foil. Still shouldn't take more than an hr to do. I only use everclear, but some guys on hairlosshelp.com are starting to mix in emu oil, which they claim helps with inflamation and absorption.

I'm somewhat pleased seeing how many hairs have turned terminal along the hairline, but I'm still waiting for the large gains in thickening across the scalp.


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thanks for that 5minabs.

Well if the only thing you have added to your regimen within a year is RU then its safe to assume that it is the reason why some hairs at the front are turning terminal.

Give it time. Your hair should cycle in stronger each time.


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BTW..nice pic in the avatar..who is this ?


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I have just order 20g from the above pharma, should have it here in UK by end of the week. El_dut do you use phlojel with your RU?


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RU58841 2 month update(sorry no pics)
- shedding almost null, tho i dont shed much anyway(buzzed head)
- a few hairs along the hairline have gone terminal
- little to no itching or inflammation
- at about 1 week mark, hair has noticable more "life" to it

While I'm happy it appears to be doing something, it definitely hasn't thickened up the majority of hair around NW7 area. I have a pretty full head of hair, but it's all still very very thin, as you can see my scalp. I was hoping for more hairs to have thickened up by now, but given that im almost on 7 years of thinning, I suppose I shouldn't hope for a complete reversal yet. I might try Ko*ting once I finish off the 10 grams of FE RU. I wish those RU success story users would give us their timeline of results!!!


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hey 5minabs, thanks for your update. i think that after reading studies about RU58841 that you should use more than 80mg per day as you are using it all over your nw7 area. i would more like 150mg per day.

a true 5% solution works the best. But what matter most is how many mg's you use in relation to the amount of scalp being treated. For the entire Norwood 7 area you would need more than 80mg.


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and so it shall be done. granted, at 150mg/day, it now becomes a significantly higher financial investment. I think since most, if not all RU discussions, have begun since El_dut's reccomendations, that he should refund all those who can't get their thick locks back while on RU! I think he lives in China, but I'd be happy to track him down :)


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i think that is good advice. they used 25mg per 50cm2 in the macaque study. I've been using RU from Kouting for 1 month now and i have used anywhere from 100-200mg either once (150-200mg) or twice (100mg) a day. Hopefully I can post some updates in at the 4-6 month point.

Also, can we get an official reason why the name is banned? Maybe I missed the thread but I looked around and couldn't find anything.

Also, I think el_dut hails from italia :dunno:


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Company names/products are censored for various reasons including spamming, having Reps promotting products on the site or simply because they ask us to. We respect the rights of companies to have their names removed from this site.