Will all those using Xandrox15-Plus identify yourselves!


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So as to not make this thread a total downer...I must say that I am seeing little hairs popping up on my temples...they are very weak but I do believe they were not there before X15%...but it's still too too early to say whether or not they will turn terminal.

Overall though, I fell I lost ground in the 2 months on X15%...just hoping it's a shed :dunno:


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I don't want to get ahead of myself here.

but allow me to throw in a random thought comment..

with how expensive xandrox 15% plus is, its too bad you can't find any unwanted unused bottles of it on ebay - on the hopes of finding a bargain every now and then..

i looked - none of xandrox 15% plus is on ebay..

wonder if it'll ever show up on ebay..

update: I also wonder if it'll show up on regular pharmaceutical shelves in local pharmacies, also...


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Hey all,

I was wondering would it be safe for me to immediately start using Xandrox 15 Plus straight-away, having not used a weaker minoxidil forumula (ie 2.5% or 5%) before.



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Need advice.

what the hell should i do.

started proscar/min when temples started thinning, still great head of super thick hair.

after over a year my loss was continuing, temples esp. the left getting much barer, still pretty thick every wear else except front a little thinner (and i was stressing here, god if i could go back).

stopped both. good for about a month, no regrowth but hair maintaining maybe felt slightly better, maybe.then bam. temples recding back, hair looking alot thinner and the crown started to show for the first time. i swear like pretty much overnight

So panicked and started dutasteride and xandrox 15% (once a day and foam once a day). this was two months ago. Now, its bad, real bad, i honestly never thought it would get this bad having such thick hair. My temples are gone and so is the front middle. my corwn is completely showing and extremely diffuse around it coming down to the front. you can see the scalp on the top and the major difference between the sides back (like im about to go straight up bald).

Im worried that the dutasteride/xandrox is making it worse but also worried that its just a massive massive shed and if i stop it will just get worse (as i did start 'shedding', aftert he month off the proscar). But maybe that was going to grow back??

So confused and upset. Honestly the loss is dramatic...serval people have comment on how much is gone in such a small time (even family for the first time).

Can any give me some personal advice?

Sorry for being a downer but im a broken man


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KeyserSoza said:
Need advice.

what the hell should i do.

started proscar/min when temples started thinning, still great head of super thick hair.

after over a year my loss was continuing, temples esp. the left getting much barer, still pretty thick every wear else except front a little thinner (and i was stressing here, god if i could go back).

stopped both. good for about a month, no regrowth but hair maintaining maybe felt slightly better, maybe.then bam. temples recding back, hair looking alot thinner and the crown started to show for the first time. i swear like pretty much overnight

So panicked and started dutasteride and xandrox 15% (once a day and foam once a day). this was two months ago. Now, its bad, real bad, i honestly never thought it would get this bad having such thick hair. My temples are gone and so is the front middle. my corwn is completely showing and extremely diffuse around it coming down to the front. you can see the scalp on the top and the major difference between the sides back (like im about to go straight up bald).

Im worried that the dutasteride/xandrox is making it worse but also worried that its just a massive massive shed and if i stop it will just get worse (as i did start 'shedding', aftert he month off the proscar). But maybe that was going to grow back??

So confused and upset. Honestly the loss is dramatic...serval people have comment on how much is gone in such a small time (even family for the first time).

Can any give me some personal advice?

Sorry for being a downer but im a broken man


I'll be at the 2-month mark on X15% in 3 days and I must say that I have thinned out since starting it (diffuse). I think it's a shed so let's ride it out...and there's no point in stopping now. Mind as well give it 6 months or so.



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ethan said:
Hey all,

I was wondering would it be safe for me to immediately start using Xandrox 15 Plus straight-away, having not used a weaker minoxidil forumula (ie 2.5% or 5%) before.


It's not necessary to start on the high percentage minoxidil, but yes you can.

ryan r

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Hey guys, nice forum. I´ve been on a dutch hair forum a lot the last 2,5 yrs.

Ive been on fina since oct 07 and my hair got stable after 3 months shedding.

Then I started minoxidil in november 08. Now my hair has just improved drastically, its amazing and I hope/think its still not done improving (its possible since ive only been using minoxidil for 4 months). The male pattern baldness isnt noticable anymore (almost).

I want to stop with finasteride and compensate it with something.

Maybe with xandrox 15 plus, and then take saw palmetto along with it, cuz im really scared I will lose my regained/attained hair!

I wanna stop taking finasteride orraly cuz the sides and because ive been taking it since age 19 (now almost 21) and I feel/think that it has stopped/slowed my growth.

Do you think it will be a great risk to do this?

Maybe the stronger minoxidil will fill in the possible gap of less fina in my body? And with some saw palmetto as extra backup?

Please if anybody has any ideas, let me know, im finally feeling good about my hair, and now I wanna perfect my regime without feeling bad about something all the time in the back of my head. Im trying to find some sort of peace :)

I thank you for your time in advance.

Grtz from Amsterdam,


ryan r

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some answers from mr lee:

I have no objections to your posting my replies on the Internet forums. But they should not be changed in any manner from the Q & A's as they appear below. I have edited the Q&A's slightly to make them a little more understandable and divided them into paragraphs. Your questions are in black. My responses are in blue.
Best wishes,

Richard Lee, M.D.

ryan r wrote:

Hi there,

I was wondering, just how effective the finasteride in your topical is, compared to talking 1,25 mg a day.

Xandrox15-PLUS would be far more effective than finasteride alone or 5% minoxidil + oral finasteride.

There are definite advantages to 'using 948 as compared to 940'. Cost. The benefits of a 15% minoxidil / 5% azelaic acid solution (Xandrox15) are combined with finasteride with little additional cost as compared to the cost of 940 plus 1mg finasteride tablets. Convenience. The use of a high concentration topical minoxidil, combined with agents that decrease the amount of DHT in the scalp utilizes the two FDA safe and proven treatments for male pattern baldness in one medication.

Although topical azelaic acid will prevent the synthesis of DHT in the scalp where it is applied, it does not protect the hair follicles from DHT circulating in the bloodstream. Finasteride applied topically can and does decrease the serum DHT and, although the 5-alpha reductase enzymes in the scalp is primarily Type I, there are also Type II 5AR's in the scalp that the topically applied finasteride inhibits.

Xandrox15-PLUS does allow for systemic absorption of finasteride from a topical application, but the serum levels of finasteride would be less than that from a comparable oral dose. As reported in an article from the British Medical Journal, 'An 0.05% formulation of topical finasteride was well absorbed and lowered the serum dihydrotestosterone concentration by up to 40%. This suggests that the main action of finasteride is to lower circulating dihydrotestosterone through inhibiting production by the prostate, rather than affecting the metabolism of androgen in the hair follicle.' The concentration of finasteride in Xandrox15-PLUS is double the concentration in the study mentioned above. One would expect that 0.1% would be more effective than 0.05%, but we cannot extrapolate your response to the topical versus the oral doses because of the inherently wide biological and pharmacological variations.

Considering that you get a 4 month supply of finasteride for just ~$5.00 more than the cost of Xandrox15, and that the reduction of serum DHT is almost as much as the oral form, it should be worth using Xandrox15-PLUS in lieu of Xandrox15 concomitant with oral finasteride.

The first sentence of his answer sounds encouraging to me, to switch to xandrox 15 plus, and stop with proscar and kirkland!


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i still dont understand how the topical finasteride is more eff than internal........ :dunno:

ryan r

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I would be completely happy with equal effectiveness, even with a bit less effect of the finasteride, which I hope will be compensated with the stronger minoxidil solution.


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well, it would seem whichever the methods may-be, we still havent heard enough good news from folks that have started taking Xandrox 15..


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just posted my 3-month update here like 9-10 days ago, but just thought i'd share that the shedding has gotten significantly worse since then (or maybe i'm just noticing it more now, but it was already bad and seems to have really increased to an almost absurd level in the last 2 weeks - when i apply the 15+ at night, if i really scrub it in good, i'll probably find 50 hairs on my hands/sink which is to say nothing of the hairs during morning shampooing, morning foam application, etc.). i'm a diffuse thinner, but had full coverage except for the smallest of bald/balding spots on my crown when i started and now i'm just barely clinging to that. the very thin balding spot has doubled in size and the rest of my hair is a wreck. i guess the only good thing is that sheds shouldn't last more than 90 days and i'm getting close to that point.

anyway, at this point i can confidently say that this is the worst shed i've ever had (been losing my hair for 6 years) so the X15+ is very clearly (imo) the cause of it. whether it is a sign of good things to come or whether i just accelerated loss that will never return, i can't say.

anyway, i'm going to use the rest of this current bottle (probably have a month or 1.5 months left) and then order 1 more. if i'm still all jacked up by the end of that next bottle, i'm done and will try the Dr. Proctor Prox or Prox-N stuff.



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ryan r said:
some answers from mr lee:

Although topical azelaic acid will prevent the synthesis of DHT in the scalp where it is applied, it does not protect the hair follicles from DHT circulating in the bloodstream. Finasteride applied topically can and does decrease the serum DHT and, although the 5-alpha reductase enzymes in the scalp is primarily Type I, there are also Type II 5AR's in the scalp that the topically applied finasteride inhibits.
Can someone please explain to me why they dont just come out with a topical Type I 5 alpha reductase inhibitor that would probably be extremely effective if its able to penetrate into the follicle?
I dont get it, i would much rather have that than to mess with the prostate


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True its mainly type 1 5ar that is present in the scalp in the follicles so that is really what you want to be reducing. Only advodart/dutas is capable of blocking type 1 of 5ar but no without blocking type 2 5ar with it. I dont think such thing exists were only type 1 of 5ar is blocked. Topical dutas might be the solution to this problem.


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I should note however type 1 of 5ar is thought to have some role in the brain. No one knows what that role is but it could be dangerous messing with it.


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bighurt said:
just posted my 3-month update here like 9-10 days ago, but just thought i'd share that the shedding has gotten significantly worse since then (or maybe i'm just noticing it more now, but it was already bad and seems to have really increased to an almost absurd level in the last 2 weeks - when i apply the 15+ at night, if i really scrub it in good, i'll probably find 50 hairs on my hands/sink which is to say nothing of the hairs during morning shampooing, morning foam application, etc.). i'm a diffuse thinner, but had full coverage except for the smallest of bald/balding spots on my crown when i started and now i'm just barely clinging to that. the very thin balding spot has doubled in size and the rest of my hair is a wreck. i guess the only good thing is that sheds shouldn't last more than 90 days and i'm getting close to that point.

anyway, at this point i can confidently say that this is the worst shed i've ever had (been losing my hair for 6 years) so the X15+ is very clearly (imo) the cause of it. whether it is a sign of good things to come or whether i just accelerated loss that will never return, i can't say.

anyway, i'm going to use the rest of this current bottle (probably have a month or 1.5 months left) and then order 1 more. if i'm still all jacked up by the end of that next bottle, i'm done and will try the Dr. Proctor Prox or Prox-N stuff.


Hey guys,

March 26 is my 2-month mark on X15% and the above posts is EXACTLY what is happening to me. I'm in a crazy shed right now...like 40-50 hairs in the sink and I don't see much in terms of regrowth but at the 2-month mark you can't really conclude on anything. I'll use up the rest of this bottle and order another and then we'll see. But overall, not looking good.


isn't this thread a bummer now :p


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Looks like im wrong MERC produced a specific type 1 5ar inhibtor known as MK386. It apparently done nothing as far as hairloss is concerned.


AssignmentZero said:
Hey guys,

March 26 is my 2-month mark on X15% and the above posts is EXACTLY what is happening to me. I'm in a crazy shed right now...like 40-50 hairs in the sink and I don't see much in terms of regrowth but at the 2-month mark you can't really conclude on anything. I'll use up the rest of this bottle and order another and then we'll see. But overall, not looking good.

That crazy shedding is what put me off going for the 15% version. I heard good reports as far as regrowth goes with the 5% version but even that made me shed loads. I would give it 4-6 months before quiting however. Propecia made me shed alot (not as much as minoxidil) but in the end it came back looking better.