Will Hair Transplant Prices Begin To Fall?


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Hi all!
Just a thought, I was researching prices of top hair transplant clinics and found that 4500 grafts would set you back well over ten grand which isn't bad, but still quite pricey. Was just wondering if you lot think transplant prices will begin to fall in the next 3 years providing new treatments such as follica and shiseido are released to the market?


Senior Member
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They have decreased, well for fue at least.

Fut has gone up.


Senior Member
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Not likely. the demand is there.

Medical tourism decreased the prices slightly with a significant amount of people traveling abroad. But as of lately it hasn't made a drastic difference for the doctors to further decrease there price.


Established Member
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maybe not by much for the best doctors, they know they can charge a premium for a quality result. Hopefully the quality of the transplant and technology will continue to get better without an increase in price