Will I become a She-Male?


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hello !

I have read from some people that using minoxidil, finasteride and nizoral all at the same time is the best thing to do, since it's considered as the "BIG 3".

But I have also read on other forums that this combination of particular ingredients is the best receipe to turn a normal male into some sort of "hairy - Big Breasted she-male ?"

Can someone please correct this statement?

I'm already on minoxidil and nizoral... and soon starting to take finasteride...that's why i'm scared! :freaked:



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i hope you are joking, if you aren't joking, then no, it won't turn you into a hairy she-male. The only minor side effect i've had is that i have been much more attracted to dudes, but i've heard this effect passes with time.


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oh god...I just hope that my girlfriend will be able to handle this... ;)


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yes, please don't get freaked out. think about it... there are probably millions out there using propecia, and the two people that get gyno are going to frantically look for forums and such to see if anyone else experienced this, don't forget there's like 98 percent of the people on here that don't get anything even close to this type of side effect, and the rest of the world who just takes propecia without going on forums, and has no sides. I don't even think gyno was recorded in the propecia study as a side. it is very rare.


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Trent8 said:
I don't even think gyno was recorded in the propecia study as a side. it is very rare.

Well it was recorded. But you're damn right it's rare; 0.8% to be exact.

And by the way, that's this thread is the funniest thread ever :D


within 3 months of starting finasteride (Proscar) I had left my girlfriend and hooked up with a couple of cool guys, turning tricks for saloirs down at the docks.

I don't think this is common though, probably less than 60%.

Good Luck Honey


not me!

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I think it was about month 3 when i first noticed "spotting" in my shorts. At around month 4 i had to wear a training bra. Ah, yes. I was becoming a woman.

Seriously, though, read through the lines. Look at the studies and talk to your physician. Not every thing you read on an internet forum should be taken as fact, even great sources of information like this one is.


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tynanW said:
within 3 months of starting finasteride (Proscar) I had left my girlfriend and hooked up with a couple of cool guys, turning tricks for saloirs down at the docks.

I don't think this is common though, probably less than 60%.

Good Luck Honey




Established Member
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tynanW said:
within 3 months of starting finasteride (Proscar) I had left my girlfriend and hooked up with a couple of cool guys, turning tricks for saloirs down at the docks.Ty

Girlfriend!!! That must be you and your new friends in that avatar of yours.



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In addition to the "feminine tingle" I've also noticed softer, more feminine feeling skin on my legs and less body hair.

~Chest Rockwell

The Gardener

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Oh yeah, I love it. I can't wait until we finally have an HairLossTalk.com barbecue. I'm gonna have all kinds of double D man-tits to play with and suck on.

Keep 'em growing boys. Ssssss... slurp slurp slurp.. somebody pass the ice cubes over this way..

I've sent out gift cards to y'all too.. you might want to check out this website and pick out a few things you think are cool: