Will it stop?


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I was shedding like crazy before i ever got on any treatments. Like 200 hairs a day. 2-3 months later, I decided i better start treatment and started taking propecia, and now ive been on it for 2 months. I was wondering if Propecia will eventually stop my extreme shedding or will it just stop the shedding hairs from coming back thinner and thinner? And its kinda hard for me to see if propecia is working because I dont know if its causing me to shed, since ive always been shedding. The reason this bothers me is because i am waiting on minoxidil because I wanna see if i respond to propecia first. Also, i know its been asked many times if propecia works on the hair line, and from wut ive read it seems that it works but not very good. So i was wondering if there is anybody that has b4 and after pics of their hairline after being just on propecia, not minoxidil as well. Since Ive started propecia my hairline has thinned and receeded alot, and since im just finishing my second month right now, does it mean that propecia did not cause this to happen because i havent been on it long enough to cause and sheds or growth? thanks


Relax. I started my first major monster shed about a month before i got on finasteride. And when i say monster shed, it seemed like i would shed over 100 hairs in the shower. But at about the 3month mark on finasteride, the increased shedding finally ceased. Mind you that i still shed daily, but its not increased shedding. Its mosre like 20 hairs when i shampoo my hair. Just stick with it. Also i might add, its a smart move by starting off with the finasteride first then adding in other treatments if needed later.