Will Propecia Increase My Estrogen Levels


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Heres my logic. Propecia block 5AR so less testosterone converted to DHT. Less conversion to DHT means more circulating testosterone. Body will try to compensate by converting more testosterone into estrogen through the act of aromatase. If this is the case, shouldn't any anti-androgen treatment be coupled with an aromatase inhibitor to prevent unwanted feminine expression due to elevated estrogen (gyno, mood swings, low sex drive etc)? If this is true, how would i go about getting an aromatase inhibitor that is reliable and legal? Anyone know how to go about this? i feel like it will either be very expensive, or a doctor will just poo poo it because they don't care or are uneducated tbh.


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This is quite a bit of anecdotal “evidence” from sufferers of PFS that aromatase inhibitors in combination with 5ARs will increase your chances of permanent damage.

Personally I believe that all of the changes, from neurological to sexual to metabolism, that accompany finasteride will only be amplified with the further reduction of another androgen the body might otherwise use as a substitute for DHT.


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This is quite a bit of anecdotal “evidence” from sufferers of PFS that aromatase inhibitors in combination with 5ARs will increase your chances of permanent damage.

Personally I believe that all of the changes, from neurological to sexual to metabolism, that accompany finasteride will only be amplified with the further reduction of another androgen the body might otherwise use as a substitute for DHT.

Do you have reasoning for this statement?


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Sure. If the body compensates for lowered DHT by upregulating other androgens, and then you also inhibit other androgens, it would figure that the body body has fewer tools to work with. There may even be certain functions that can be accomplished with DHT or estradiol, but not any others. Other functions may be underperformed or negatively overperformed when the body is starved of what it needs and it forced to use the inappropriate androgens. Take neurosteroids production for instance. No DHT = altered neurosteroid production. What happens when there’s no DHT or estradiol? What other unknown or unpredictable functions will be altered significantly in the absence of an adequate amount of potent androgens?

Take my opinion with a grain of salt though, I’m not a doctor. There are also plenty of enhanced athletes who stack test with finasteride, aromatase inhibitors and then SARMs ontop of that and come out unscathed, but these guys typically invest the time to gain a deep fundamental understanding of the endocrine system and anatomy because they’re literally taking their life into their own hands. Imo systemic hair loss management should be treated the same way.


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To answer your question. I saw a study that says finasteride raises testosterone and estrogen up 10% to 15%. The reality is that this isn't that much. However, if you're borderline off balanced with your hormones, this could push you over the edge. I know you did bloodwork, but I don't remember your estrogen levels or if you did estrogen test. 20 to 40 is the normal level for men. some sources say as high as 55. If you're 35 or less, i'd say any risk of experiencing mood swings or other estrogen related issues is extremely unlikely.


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I would stay away from aramatose inhibitors to be honest. Finasteride will not elevate it that much. It's a very delicate issue to keep trying to alter hormonal levels..