Wired Article on Hair Multiplication


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Hey guys, this is an old article dated January 2004 that ran in Wired, but it is an interesting read and provides some answers to questions someone who doesn't know much about the technology has.

http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.0 ... topic_set=

The most interesting part for me was at the very end where it explains how the process was done and how much it would cost. 10,000 dollars they estimate for a full head of hair and that it will begin to grow in 8 weeks. Wild.

not me!

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"In 1996, a University of Maryland dermatology resident named Jerry Cooley cultured and implanted hair cells from his head into his forearm. Of 15 sites he cut and seeded, one grew a hair. 'You don't hear about cancer researchers injecting themselves with cells,' Cooley says. 'This field is like the Wild West.'"

That was my hair transplant physician. He is the coolest.