Wish I had the guts to try finasteride! Too risky?


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I'd describe myself as a happy (but balding) person, it doesnt get me down most of the time. I wish I had the guts to try finasteride but theres so many people on various forums who have sides its frightening, not just sides when they take finasteride but continuing sides when they are off them. Most of whom couldnt careless about their hair just want to be healthy again.

I understand some look for sides when they start but there are so many horror stories, I've always just found it too scarey to do. Hairs one thing but healths another.

I applaud all that take that risk though. I hope you have great results and zero problems.


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^ More or less agree with that advice.

A minority of users expeience side effects from the drug. Of those, 99% find that their side effects go away within 1 or 2 weeks of taking the drug.

Even among those that claim 'permanent' side effects, most are back to their old selves after a few months.

And those that remain are probably no greater proportion than the number of men who randomly develop problems downstairs anyway.

In short: try it. If you feel OK on it, you can carry on. If you're not comfortable, stop it and you've not really lost anything.


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I understand the chances of getting serious sides are very small, but that is enough to stop me trying. I seem to be responding well to nizoral and if that continues it will make me happier, I understand its unlikely to grow any hair like finasteride can though.

Who knows maybe I will maybe I wont.

Why can't there be a pill that has zero sides. :) :)


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I second (or is it "third") the G.P. advice; men and people in general should stop being afraid to use their doctors and getting professnal tests done. Also, while you're there get BP done too.

A 5 min checkup and some blood tests every six months is a great way to stay healthy and reduce worry and stress.


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mrdavies said:
timbo said:
If you want some food for thought. Here is a great read from one of the most respected doctors in the field.

http://www.baldingblog.com/2010/02/19/r ... m-outrage/

http://www.baldingblog.com/2010/02/15/f ... ts-agency/

From what I have read on other forums he helped create hair restoration institute which obviously is big business so he would recommend it wouldn't he???

The *New Hair Institute* offer hair transplants. If anything, prescribing Propecia to patients would drive business away.