I have a question. Won't foam make your hair look like wet? I understand that people that has shaved their hair off can easy use this foam. But what about us guys still having hair. It is impossible to get the hair nice when I get minoxdil liquid on it
Thats what I am worried about. I have to wash my hair every morning regardless to keep the oil from sticking my hair together and making it look paper thin. Will foam bunch up the hair like this? If so I am screwed.
I don't know having tried both the liquid and the foam I can honestly say the liquid makes a lot of a bigger mess. I havn't had any problems with the foam.
It doesn't leave your hair looking wet. If anything, it adds a bit of volume and fluffs things up a bit. Once it's dry, just comb your hair and you're good to go.
After the foam dries it does not leave your hair wet or greasy or whatever you said, it leaves your hair, in my opinion, thicker and fuller, then before. Not as a styling aid, but a tremendous improvement over the liquid!
I don't think it helps the appearance of hair, but leaves them a bit sticky feeling. Don't like it in that sense, but at least it feels good and is easy to apply.