Worried about NOT shedding


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I've been on Propecia now for a total of three weeks and haven't noticed any changes. Seems like everyone that's had positive results was shedding like a madman at some point in their Propecia routine. If I don't ever shed, (and I've never noticed myself shed, my hairloss crept up on me), does that indicate that Propecia isn't going to work for me? Shouldn't it be shocking hairs into new phases?

Lastly, am I being a paranoid dumbass and be grateful I'm not shedding?


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first of all, its only been three weeks, so the drug really hasn't had any time yet to start to work its magic.
secondly, i think that a lot of people don't shed, you just typically see the "shedders" here on the forum because things are happening, if they aren't shedding and the treatments are just slowly progressing over the course of a year, there is a not a whole lot to report on the forum other than. "hey hair is getting better, but its a slow process"
thirdly, i think a lot of people have also had success without much shed, i would check out sock's story, he had awesome success and said he never shed once. its all individual. i never had an absolutely massive sheds either, the shedding that i report is basically just an increase in the usual hairloss, ie. when i put a comb through my hair i get three or four instead of 1 or none. no worries man, there is not much of a predictor of whether you will have success, pretty much just a little luck and sticking firmly to an unchanging regimen.


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Thanks Trent8, appreciate it. I figured it wasn't a huge problem for it only being 3 weeks but with the panic that goes with all of this, even not losing hair in a shed can seem like a problem. Haha. This is all such a pain in the ***.


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Maybe all the remaining hairs on your head are still in a really good healthy state. Why should they be sent to the floor when they are fine where they are?


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Yea I was hoping though that the thinner hairs in my temples and the little bit of thinning hairs on my hairline would be affected by the Propecia and shed, then come back thicker.

Any idea if they can not shed and in their next cycle, come back healthier and thicker regardless?


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Well, all hair eventually sheds and regrows. We call it a shed, but really it's when a bunch of hairs in a certain area fall out more often and in a greater number than they normally would.

Bone Daddy

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I'm worried about mine too.

I can't tell if I am or not.


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Okay I may have spoken way too soon.
Two days after I posted my question about not shedding, I noticed a ton of hairs on the bathroom sink and that my temples and hairline were a lot thinner. SCARY thinner. I feel like my hair looks AWFUL now. Shed or just a bad hair day? There's probably no way to tell but jeez. Did anyone shed as early as three full weeks on Propecia? I'm just starting my fourth week.


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LMAO, you were just complaining about how you weren't getting a shed.

Yes, I started to shed just before the 3rd week. I recall we both started our treatments about the same time. I'm guessing it is a reaction to the minoxidil rather then the finasteride. The 3rd & 4th week were the most brutal for me. But now going into month two my sink and shower are no longer covered in hairs like they were the last couple of weeks. So yes, it is normal since I just went through one at week 3.


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I've had what I would call very good success with the big 3. I was a big skeptic and my hair is way better than I could have ever expected after 4 months. I've had good and bad days but I have not had a big shed. So I feel that it is possible to have success without shedding. Now I know it is. I don;t know if this'll help anyone but the only time in my life i'd ever shed was in University...it was BAD...my hands would be coverred with hair after a shower. I used some Jasson Thin to Thick Shampoo and scalp elixir and some Shen Min pills that are supposed to make your hair healthy. Honestly..the shedding stopped 100% in one day. If you think youre going through a massive shed..maybe try these things which are avaiable in any health store. It worked for me, Good luck.

Bone Daddy

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I never shed from the back of my head before, as I have been for a week or so, and I do lose more in the shower.

Aargh this is frustrating, i hope the fincar is working. I don't want to pay 50$ a month for propecia.


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is shen min snake oil and do you have to take it forever or is it something to supplement your overall hair/scalp health ?