worried guy please advice pics included


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Hey guys
I’m a 22 year old guy from the UK and I’m rather worried about my hairline of late. I have always had a little widows peak but over the last couple years my hair at the temples has receded back. I’m unsure if I’m going bald or if I’m just getting an early mature hairline? Currently at the moment I’ve been taking regain regular strength for one month.

Unfortunately i can’t take any finasteride because i already suffer a hormonal problem and my doctor thinks taking finasteride or anything that affects testosterone will worsen my condition.

Can anyone tell me their honest opinion? Do you think it’s just a mature hairline or is it likely to get worse? I have noticed my left temple is thinner then my right side, as i have a small patch where the hairs seem thinner, but it’s not really noticeable.

My family seems to have a 50,50 percent chance of going bald. On my mothers side i have one uncle who is bald, and another who has hair similar to me (same shape) but isn’t bald and my granddad (also mothers side) has never had much hair but has always stayed the same since he was my age and hasn’t changed, he’s now in his 80’s. My dad has a widows peak as well but isn’t as defined as mine, he has very thick hair, but his brother is completely bald.

Would be great if you guys could give me some advice



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You look to me to be a receeder. Hard to say though as it could hit a point and stay there. Do you noticed much hair shedding?


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I hardly noticed it falling out, it must have happened very slowly over two years. Is there much i can do about it? Or am i just doomed?


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Not doomed, if you can't take propecia look in to spironolactone or proxiphen. I think from looking at your photos that as the years go by your temples will slowly recede. Don't worry, no where near as bad as it could be. Do you research and read through this site. The more you know about male pattern baldness, the better you will feel.


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I'd also suggest using Nizoral shampoo 3 times a week. Using the Ro(re)gaine will definitely help too. Just be sure to use it for the entire year and take pictures monthly to definitively document the progression.


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If you can't take DHT inhibitors then there isn't really much that you can do, or at least it seems that way to me.
minoxidil will make your existing hairs thicker, but it won't slow down existing loss - you'll continue to lose "behind" minoxidil.

Don't mean to be a downer but I prefer to be a realist. (of course, it could be that you've just developed a mature hairline and might not lose any more)


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Well my situation is a difficult one. The reason i can’t take a DHT blocker is because i have to inject testosterone to achieve a normal male hormone level. My body doesn’t produce enough testosterone naturally so i am proscribed testosterone. Before i had very low levels of testosterone but i had a full head of hair. So if i took a DHT blocker that would lower my testosterone levels.

I thought Nizoral shampoo stopped men from going bald because it washes away DHT on the scalp? Basically i just want to maintain the hairs i have now, i don’t mind if i don’t regrow my old hairs, i just don’t want them falling out anymore. Is that possible?

Thanks guys


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I would listen to your doctor's advice about taking propecia, not somebody on a online forum that knows nothing about your problem.


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I’m really confused now. My doctor told me i needed all the testosterone I could get. My body is basically going through puberty at a later age since i never went through it properly the first time. So now that i am taking testosterone i am getting a deeper voice, body and facial hairs. So I’m not sure what a DHT would do to me? I don’t care about getting facial hairs or body hairs, i just want the hair on my head to stay on lol.

I don’t think my doctor cares much about my hair loss. I asked about a DHT blocker and he just said it wasn’t possible because i needed all the testosterone. What is DHT used for in the body? Why do we need it?

I’d like to find out whether i could take a DHT blocker, would an endocrinologist be the right person to ask?

Also i heard that a DHT blocker can give you man boobs? If it increases testosterone how does that happen?

Thanks for the replies guys.


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Thanks alot for replying finfigher, i understand now. I have been taking testosterone for three years so far so hopefully in another two to three years i will be able to take a DHT blocker. Is there anything i can do in the mean time to hang onto my hair? I am using Nizoral and regaine.


Doug Douglas

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Jesus, everyone calm down. He looks fine. Keep an eye on your hairline for the next twelve months and take pictures at least every month, try to keep your hair the same length all year (short). You certainly do not look like you're losing your hair, some people just don't have perfectly straight hairlines. I would not recommend treating something until you're sure you have it.


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Thanks for the replies guys. If i don’t have male pattern baldness can treatments hurt my existing hairs? I am taking regaine and the nizoral as a precaution. If i notice more hairs dropping out i will use the DHT blocker cream as finfighter suggested. It’s true i haven’t noticed my hairline changing much. I took the testosterone and this is what happened to my hairline, i basically got a defined widows peak, which i don’t mind i just don’t want it to get any worse.

So can using hairloss products hurt my hair if i don’t have male pattern baldness? I don’t know if i have it for sure or not.

Thanks guys.


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I'm not sure the hairdx test is available in the UK? I’ve been taking regaine for just over a month, is that long enough to cause damage? So i should just stop taking regaine then?

I will ask my doctor about seeing a Demonologist

Thanks finfighter

Doug Douglas

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Taking rogaine before you need it makes no sense. First of all you're wasting money, second of all you're putting blood pressure medication on your scalp for no apparent reason other than what appears to be your obsession with balding. My personal recommendation would be to drop all treatments (except nizoral, which is supposed to be good for your scalp anyway) and watch your hair over a 12 month period. And then if you are losing, you don't need rogaine you need finasteride: rogaine is to regrow hair, and you already have tons of it. Keep that in your arsenal until you actually need it.

But, in closing, I would say don't take our advice over a dermatologist's. They will have a much better informed opinion (sometimes) than guys on a hairloss forum. I will say that when I went to a dermatologist I knew more about hairloss than he did (as did most guys on this forum), so it's all about finding a derm who actually knows what the hell he's talking about when it comes to hairloss. Few of them seem to.


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I have stopped taking regaine, although taking regaine for one month has caused me to grow some very thin new hairs on my left temple. I'm worried because on my left temple i have a patch of hairs which are lighter in colour and i heard that’s a sign they will drop out, or is it normal to have lighter coloured hairs near the hairline?

Thanks for the advice guys, i will go see a Demonologist, but i don't think the hairdx test is available in the UK as i can't find any info on it being done in the UK.