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hey guys, thought i would post something today. been feeling sh*t today, just all this worrying about my hair, its taken over my life, its horrible. im 19 years old, and am seeing my hairline changing and its making me really depressed, even though the family history aint bad at all, (worst person in the family was a norwood 2 or 3, mid thirties, everyone else had full heads of hair) im really worried. i also had acne which ruined my confidence since i was 17, and have never been happy since then really and have all this to deal with. im happy about the fact that im quite built, tall, straight nose, straight teeth, (had braces) and am in no way ugly, look really manly, but all this with acne ruined my confidence and now i have to deal with this, i know it could be a mature hairline forming, but its so depressing. i want to go on accutane so i have get anymore spots but im worried about going on it and me losing more hair, any advice?

Mens Rea

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id steer clear from the accutane man, it can do bad things for hair i believe

sounds like crazy advice but sunbeds would probably help your skin, but only use them in the short term its not a long term solution (but id be hopeful that your acne should clear up soon anywa given your age)....


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yeah i know man, i was thinking about a low dose of accutane, cause im really fed up of this sh*t, ive had it for 3 years, and nothing else really helps, i dont think it would do anything to hair at a dose thats low but im not sure.


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hey why are you worried...you have everything good with you...nobody can be so perfect...isnt it....

somone uk

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what other treatments have you tried for acne?
i mean most acne medications don't have hairloss sides and your are talking about an extremely powerful med
if your family (look both sides) is NW3 at worst then i wouldn't worry about hairloss and i could say your hairline is maturing not receding, (about 99% of men do mature their hairline, very few keep a juvenile hairline)


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somone uk said:
what other treatments have you tried for acne?
i mean most acne medications don't have hairloss sides and your are talking about an extremely powerful med
if your family (look both sides) is NW3 at worst then i wouldn't worry about hairloss and i could say your hairline is maturing not receding, (about 99% of men do mature their hairline, very few keep a juvenile hairline)

hey somone uk, yeah in my family, the worst person who had hairloss was my grandfather on my mums side who was a norwood 2 or 3 mid thirties, but he lost it all around 50. as for everyone else on my mums side, my mums 3 brothers all had full heads of hair mid thirities, fourties, and my cousin whose 30 on that side has his hairline intact but his thinning everywhere else. my mum and her mum all have thick hair. ON my dads side, dad had full head of hair into his 50, his dad was a norwood 2 mid thirties, my 3 uncles on that side had full heads of hair in their 50's, my 3 half brothers on that side are all norwood 2's mid thirties, fourties, and one cousin whose 30 is norwood 2.

my grandfather who was a norwood 2 or 3, was also diffuse thinning and had diabetes, but im not diffuse thinning, do u think that means i havent followed him? my hairloss seems to mainly be at the corners of the hairline i guess, the middle is more or less in the same place. i still jumped on propecia 6 months ago.

ive tried everything for acne trust me, i had it about 16, and the only thing that worked was bezoyl peroxide which irritated my scalp and made it red. my quite mild but after 3 years of trying stuff i just want to try a low dose of accutane.


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somone uk said:
you said acne got you at 17?
you mean you had no acne before 17?

does your family have a history of acne?
i mean if you know WHY you have acne, you can find a non standard treatment that could also be more effective,( list : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acne_vulgaris)

here's a website that has message boards, they might know a little more than us about acne: http://www.acne.org/

well i got acne when i was 16 from long hair (emo style), acne is genetic in the family, my dad had it and so does my sister although not as bad, i used to visit those boards before dude, thanks though, my acne is genetic mainly.


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finfighter said:
You should address your acne before you get perminant scarring from it. You shouldn't right off Accutane just yet, it does not cause hairloss for the majority of users anyway ;my 15 year old cousin takes it with no problems, look in to it and make an appointment with a good dermatoligist. You can discuss your hair and skin problems with your dermatoligist and consider a prescription to Finasteride as well. I started noticing my hairline changing around your age, and let me tell you that my biggest regret was not getting on finasteride back then, because it only gets worse as you leave it untreated. My friend started taking Finasteride at the first stage of hairloss and guess what he's 25 now and still has all of his hair.

hey finfighter, my acne isnt severe so i havent gotten any scarring, its mild, but i just have little spots everywhere, a few years ago i got rid of it with benzoyl peroxide but i put so much effort into it, id rather take a low dose of accutane and get rid of it. yeah i got propecia 6 months ago and im waiting for results, im happy my genetics arent bad, and i hope i can keep everything now for a very long time.

somone uk

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patrik said:
finfighter said:
You should address your acne before you get perminant scarring from it. You shouldn't right off Accutane just yet, it does not cause hairloss for the majority of users anyway ;my 15 year old cousin takes it with no problems, look in to it and make an appointment with a good dermatoligist. You can discuss your hair and skin problems with your dermatoligist and consider a prescription to Finasteride as well. I started noticing my hairline changing around your age, and let me tell you that my biggest regret was not getting on finasteride back then, because it only gets worse as you leave it untreated. My friend started taking Finasteride at the first stage of hairloss and guess what he's 25 now and still has all of his hair.

hey finfighter, my acne isnt severe so i havent gotten any scarring, its mild, but i just have little spots everywhere, a few years ago i got rid of it with benzoyl peroxide but i put so much effort into it, id rather take a low dose of accutane and get rid of it. yeah i got propecia 6 months ago and im waiting for results, im happy my genetics arent bad, and i hope i can keep everything now for a very long time.
if your acne is not "severe" then it would be hard to get a doctor to prescribe you accutane he will most probably try prescribing you a topical treatment

i have found reports of vitamin A being good at treating acne, though i'd want to take it with a pinch of salt but it wouldn't hurt, i wouldn't overdo it though because too much vitamin A can cause hair loss but if you keep within the RDAs you'll be fine


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hey someone uk, my dermatologist said i could take accutane if i wanted 6 months ago, so i think next time i see him ill ask him again, thanks for ur help man.


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i say go ahead and take the accutane. i had bad acne since the 8th grade, and then suddenly in 10th grade it really kicked up and got severe. accutane really changed my life after that.

still, i had some mild acne after that. but i have it controlled with clindamycin and a sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur lotion. if you have oily skin like i do, i highly recommend trying out this combination


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jonsie150 said:
i say go ahead and take the accutane. i had bad acne since the 8th grade, and then suddenly in 10th grade it really kicked up and got severe. accutane really changed my life after that.

still, i had some mild acne after that. but i have it controlled with clindamycin and a sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur lotion. if you have oily skin like i do, i highly recommend trying out this combination

hey man, cheers, ill take ur advice and take accutane, i have some questions, 1) any side effects? 2) did it cause u hairloss? 3) i heard if u take it for four months, u will be clear for a whole year, is it true?


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patrik said:
jonsie150 said:
i say go ahead and take the accutane. i had bad acne since the 8th grade, and then suddenly in 10th grade it really kicked up and got severe. accutane really changed my life after that.

still, i had some mild acne after that. but i have it controlled with clindamycin and a sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur lotion. if you have oily skin like i do, i highly recommend trying out this combination

hey man, cheers, ill take ur advice and take accutane, i have some questions, 1) any side effects? 2) did it cause u hairloss? 3) i heard if u take it for four months, u will be clear for a whole year, is it true?

well. i can only tell you what my experience was like; i can't say if you'll go through the same thing.

i didnt really see any big side effects. yes my skin got dry, but you can combat that easily with lotion or toner. it was amazing how my oil production stopped. as for hair loss, i can't say it caused any. i mean, at that time i wasnt really concerned with my hair so i never took noticed. but i dont think i went through a big shed or anything.

will you be free of acne for a year if you take accutane for 4 months? i really dont know. i do know that the oil production gradually comes back after a couple month or so. the acne will come back, but it won't be any where near as bad as it was before. you'll have to take something to keep it under control. like i said, the combination of clindamycin and sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur lotion reeeally helped me out. i recommend that you try it