Worrying and worrying


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Hey there guys,

I posted my story before but it gives me comfort to share and people putting up helpful comments :)

So last time I posted was around christmas and I was shedding a ton of hairs (once again).
I had my second hair transplant at 22 in July 2015 (3500 grafts) and got my first in 2013 (1500 grafts)
Mainly the grafts were placed on the front and middle of my scalp. Basically every area except for the crown.
I tried to keep some photos but I lost them and I didn't want to save them to my dropbox because other people might see. Trying to find them as we speak.
So far, let's hope it stays this way, I could hide my thinning hair/baldness very well with Toppik so that's why I don't want other people to know.
The thing is, the transplant is not really showing it's full capacity. I'm currently on month 8-ish and I saw some growth but I'm still not where I want to be. When I don't style my hair it still looks kinda flat/thin-ish.

Is this normal to see some more growth in the upcoming months?

Also, I've been losing hair constantly on the crown area and my current regime is minoxidil/Keto (shampoo)/Saw palmetto. I don't wanna start finasteride because I already had some negative effects with it... Any other tips?

I check in asap, ty in advance?


Senior Member
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Very normal.

thread is kinda useless without pictures.

People with fine hair caliber, and naturally see-through bio hair don't typically get good results.

I didn't start appreciating my hair transplant results until around 10-12 months. it looked like garbage before hand, and as mentioned I was your 'angel like, thin hair and naturally see-through hairline' type of candidate.

I wouldn't stress. You will get your results, but if growing a thick under cut with lucious locks is your motive then it will never happen. You will achieve hair on your head, and look normal.