As a start i will say that my father is 55 years old and have hair. My grandfather from my father side was bald and my Father's brother is full head of hair like my father. My grandfather from my mother side was full head of hair when he was 70. My Mother's 1 brother is bald but her 2 other brothers have hair but receeding. my 2 bothers have full head of hair. And now me, im 23 years old and i started to notice my hair receeding after one incident: It was on november 15 2018 i went to a barber who almost had my hair on fire with his intense hottest level of blowdry and after that i started to have my hair roots became fragile as hell. I think the main reason im worried now is because of the blow dry incident. I read about a doctor who said that if you blowdry your hair on hottest lvl and very close to the hair roots it can damage it. So just tell me if im going bald?
I went to a dermatologist in february 2019 and he said im not going bald. But now i think i am. Maybe im not, so i came to this forum so you can tell me if im going bald because when my hair roots are damaged for sure you can see my hair wet in the picture and my crown looks really bad.
1: Crown-
2: Left Side-
I went to a dermatologist in february 2019 and he said im not going bald. But now i think i am. Maybe im not, so i came to this forum so you can tell me if im going bald because when my hair roots are damaged for sure you can see my hair wet in the picture and my crown looks really bad.