Worse and better?


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I was just wondering if it makes any sense that my crown area seems to be filling in a bit, and my hairline is sprouting all sortsa new hairs, but my hair ontop seems to have thinned fairly dramatically over the past month on finasteride. My hair has honestly never looked so shitty in my life, and I'm finding it hard to believe that this is just natural progression of what has, up until now, been a really really slow thinning process. Is it possible that I'm going through a shed or something that I'm just not noticing?


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Honestly I think you've been over analizing yourself the past month. I've been reading your posts about how finasteride is working for you and it hasn't even been a month.....You wen't from saying that your hairloss is not even remotley noticeable to your hair looks shittier than it's ever been. Chill bro :)
Did you take any "before pictures"?
If you haven't I recommend that you do. Go somewhere with decent light and take pictures at several angles.
Then in 3 months take some more using the same location and the same angles.
I know your new to the hairloss game. It's very common to think one is getting regrowth when in fact it is just the opposite. This is why photos are needed.
your hairloss is going to be a rocky road over the next couple years. Take some good advice and try not to think about whether your regimen is working or not for at least a couple more months. Just trying to help.

To answer your question...everything you mentioned sounds normal. Probably not a shed but maybe your thinning has reached the stage where it's getting noticeable....Heck that's why you went on finasteride right :)
Like I said before give it a couple more months


The first 3½ months of hairloss fight has been a bumpy ride. I´ve gone from no hope to some hope to no hope to hey maybe it works.

Today I can honestly say that I´m on stage - maybe it will work - and that´s positive.

I´ve read that finasteride shows peak results after 1 year of usage and that´s what I´m gonna give. If I had no signs of it working I would have quit but I see signs that it is working so I´m sticking with it.

I have days where I feel that my hair is great and other days when I think it´s giving in to the male pattern baldness.

It´s really depressing since I didn´t think twice about my hair ever but it´s also reality and I can´t put a gun to my head because of it.

Take care!